Toshiba Qosmio X500 Somewhere on teh intarwebs Roy wrote: [snip] Wow! the sole on-topic post this morning. It almost makes the group worth reading. So much shite about toys and linux.... Would a dual HDD( SSD and disk drive 5400rpm be better than a single 7200 rpm disk drive)? IMHO the best bet right now, value / perform... 18 Dec 2009 18:20
mywinlocker I have just bought an acer laptop and find an intrusive programme called "mywinlocker". Can anyone tell me what use it is and if I am as well without it? I do not password proect my laptop nor desktop (and shall not) as they are never out of my possession. Thank you. ... 17 Dec 2009 03:50
Gateway Service Manual There are quite a few gateway notebook service manuals available on the website at Only a few are listed but hundreds are available by email request to the webmaster. ... 10 Jan 2010 21:51
hdmi on notebook does it work with 32" and 50" lcd should I lookfor this hdmi in my next notebook buy with win 7? The question itself reflects a lack of understanding. The physical size of the display has nothing to do with anything, including whether it might or might not work. inventor1984 wrote: hdmi on notebook does it work with 32" and 50" lcd ... should I look for this hdmi in my next notebook buy with wi... 15 Dec 2009 17:49
hdmi on notebook does it work with 32" and 50" lcd should I look for this hdmi in my next notebook buy with win 7? hdmi on notebook does it work with 32" and 50" lcd ... should I look for this hdmi in my next notebook buy with win 7? Greg Buell Cell 303 548 9904 inventor @ 15 Dec 2009 18:56
Acer Asp. 4810T - DVD-drive doesn't open with button Hello, I bought an Acer Aspire 4810T with vista 32 preinstalled. For opening the dvd-drive you push a button juste above the key <Suppr> at the top on the right. (drive must be empty) I formated the harddisk and installed a windows seven, then installed some original Acer drivers you can download on the page ... 16 Dec 2009 17:57
usb mouse stopped working the usb dynex mouse on my dell inspiron stopped working for no reason. I have two of them and neither will work. At first my ipod had the same problem, but I went to device mgr and selected detect hardware changes and got that to work. Recently it had automatically updated windows. What can I try. I've rebooted sev... 21 Dec 2009 22:27
Most limited Netbook ever made! Who makes this very limited netbook and who would ever buy one? It is page 7 of their catalog if the link doesn't work. 260MHz processor 128MB of RAM Windows CE 5.0 2GB SSD 7 hour run time on battery 7... 30 Dec 2009 15:22
What Use Is a VGA to S-Video Adapter I bought a VGA to S-Video Adapter to enable me to connect my laptop's VGA output to a Projector via the S-Video input on the projector. (The projector has only the S-video input.) The adapter is a 'y' type device with a S-Video jack and a composite (RCA) jack. It doesn't work. I examined the pin out of the... 11 Dec 2009 12:28
Connecting Laptop to a Projector via Svideo Here is my problem. I have a HP Pavilion dv1464dx Laptop running Window 7 Home that I need to connect to a projector that has only an Svideo input. The laptop has no Svdeo output, only a VGA jack for connecting to an external monitor. It works. I have an VGA to Svideo adapter (the inexpensive 'Y' type) that I ... 10 Dec 2009 15:38 |