From: Karthik on
use the below link and download the software "Download the XY Chart Labeler 7.0.12" and folow the instructions given in "Getting Started" "This instructions document".

It's free and even i had the same problem and it got solved.


Chad Cameron wrote:

Scatter Point chart labels are missing

Hi All,

My subject does not quite cover it all, here is a rundown.

I have a fairly large spreadsheet. +/- 100 tabs. 1 tab is my data, then 4
tabs of graphs, repeated somewhere around 20-25 times. One of my graphs is
a scatter point chart. For the longest time the chart worked great. Then
all of a sudden it started to no longer label my points. I think it was
because my chart data range extended beyond my data. (not sure). Now I have
reached the end of my data range it no longer works. I have extended my
data range, but the labels do not appear.

I downloaded an addin from an MVP (sorry, I do not remember your name), and
then looked at the vba and used a chunk of it so that I can automate it.
Which worked with problems.

It appears, if we enter is some wrong data into the datasheet, and then
delete the row, it screws everything up. I have to delete the data in the
chart and then redo the data range for it to work. (my code and the addin).

I do not know why this happens or what to do for a work around. Basically I
run my code until it crashes and then I have to do the rest manually.

Excel 2000

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