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From: C.C.Shiu on 11 Feb 2007 10:39 I am now having problems when running my simulation with a Level-2 m-file s-function that i have created. I recieve the following block error when i simulate: Source 'untitled/Level-2 M-file S-Function' cannot have dynamic frame data setting for its output port 1. All sources should explicitly set all their output ports to be frame or non-frame. Please help me to solve this problem. Thanks! Here's my code (its pretty simple so i guess I'm missing somethimg): function VideoIn22(block) % Level-2 M file S-Function for times two demo. % Copyright 1990-2004 The MathWorks, Inc. % $Revision: $ setup(block); %endfunction function setup(block) %% Register number of input and output ports block.NumInputPorts = 0; block.NumOutputPorts = 1; %% Setup functional port properties to dynamically %% inherited. block.SetPreCompOutPortInfoToDynamic; block.OutputPort(1).Dimensions = 1; %% Set block sample time to inherited block.SampleTimes = [0 0]; %% Run accelerator on TLC block.SetAccelRunOnTLC(true); %% Register methods block.RegBlockMethod('Outputs', @Output); %endfunction function Output(block) vid = videoinput('matrox',1,'M_RS170'); frame = getsnapshot(vid); row = 480; column=640; %image size row x column img_no = 1; A = frame; thresh_img= im2bw(A,0.2); inv_img=abs(thresh_img-1); inv_img1=inv_img; for i=450:480; inv_img1(i,:)=0; end for t=1:column; line(t)=1; end for t=1:row; result(t)=line*inv_img1(t,:)'; end % search the point for i=3:1:(row-1) if (result(i-1)==0) && (result(i)>=1) && (result(i+1)>=1) && (result(i+2)>=1 && (result(i+3)>=1)); pos_pix(img_no)=i; end end inv_img1(pos_pix(img_no),:)=1; actuate_mic=pos_pix*0.48 %pixels --> microns block.OutputPort(1).Data = actuate_mic; %endfunction
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