Prev: Including Totals in Chart's data table
Next: Is it possible to resize chart itself (not chart area)
From: Catherine on 12 May 2010 16:46 I have a workbook with two worksheets, one in which people enter their data and the other that summarizes the data with pivot tables. The 2nd worksheet is protected. I created a macro that updates all three pivot tables automatically. Now I need to create a macro that asks staff to enter the date they started recruitment so that one table only shows the months and year when recruitment started. Right now, I have to select the month/year manually. What I would like is for staff to get one text box that asks them when they started recruitment (month/year). Ideally they would be asked only once. (They're going to be pretty upset with me otherwise). I looked on the web and this site for an answer, but I'm not getting anywhere. Can someone help me? I'm using Excel 2003 and have very! limited knowledge of VBE. An example of the table I want to limit is below. With this example, I would like the table to show data starting in Feb-10, excluding all monthly data prior to Feb-10 (in this case only Jan-10). Thank you so much for your help! Screening Date Jan-10 Feb-10 Mar-10 Apr-10 Grand Total Sum of Eligible 21 18 3 1 46 Sum of Enrolled 0 4 8 1 13 Sum of Consented 0 2 8 1 11 -- Catherine
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