From: magpie on

I was trying to write matlab code to find the lines in chessboard
images. Here are the steps that I used:

1. RGB to intensity:
>> RGB = imread('chess_board.tif');
>> I= rgb2gray(RGB);

2. edge detection:
>> BW = edge(I,'canny');

3.Hough transform:
>> [HT,T,R] = hough(BW);

4. peak detection (for 20 peaks)
>> P = houghpeaks(HT, 20, 'Threshold', mean(HT(:)) );

5.Line drawing:
custom function is used

Here are the results:

It seems I need to do some preprocessing/post processing to
remove edges outside the chessboard. I am wondering if the image
processing gurus here could give some suggestions in this regard.