From: Grhodes on
I've read the help information on how to "Link selected fields dynamically
between Project Plans" and was able to get it to work when updating tasks.
However, is their a way to get the linked plans to also add new tasks that
area entered? When I add a new task row, it is not updating on the "Master
From: John on
In article <8A7DECAE-6815-476E-BDDB-96129BBC12C7(a)>,
Grhodes <Grhodes(a)> wrote:

> I've read the help information on how to "Link selected fields dynamically
> between Project Plans" and was able to get it to work when updating tasks.
> However, is their a way to get the linked plans to also add new tasks that
> area entered? When I add a new task row, it is not updating on the "Master
> Plan"

When you linked fields dynamically what method did you use? If you used
Paste Links you are asking for trouble. If you established external
predecessors/successors between files you are much better off but still
need to be careful.

Please explain your statement, "... to get linked plans to also add new
tasks that area entered?" What is "area"? Do you mean "are"?

You mention a "Master Plan". What exactly did you do to create the
master plan?

A little more clarity in what you did and what your end goal is will
help us help you.

Project MVP