Creating GUI for new implementation of Common Lisp (CLforJava) - Want Community Input I am in charge of creating the GUI for the open source project CLforJava. CLforJava provides a transparent interface for Lisp programmers to access Java libraries and vice versa and runs entirely on the JVM. Up to this point the project has run entirely from command line but now we feel the project is ready for a G... 26 Jan 2010 13:11
Firefox hyperspec search addon Hi, does anyone know of a Firefox search addon which will *just* look in CLHS? I am fairly sure I could write one, but I am lazy. The lispdoc one (which I use) gets all sorts of non-CLHS stuff, which I generally do not want Thanks --tim... 26 Jan 2010 15:29
lists not comparing equal I have an issue where two lists, one loaded from a database and one received from a web client, render identically with format but don't compare equal with either equal or tree-equal. What could cause this? Thanks, Patrick ------------------------------------------------------------------------ http:/... 25 Jan 2010 16:12
Hi :D FRIENZ :D FOR ALL YOU FASHION LOVRZ OUT HERE :D Hi frienz, check this out.. Friendly reminder Valentines day is Feb 14th :D Thanx, have a great day to all. ... 24 Jan 2010 21:26
sbcl memory limit I just got the following message using SBCL 1.0.23 on a fairly large calculation fatal error encountered in SBCL pid 16649(tid 47930279815712): An mprotect call failed with ENOMEM. This probably means that the maximum amount of separate memory mappings was exceeded. To fix the problem, either increase the maximu... 25 Jan 2010 00:42
Symbolics XL1200 Just fixed my Moniterm for my Symbolics XL1200. I not giving it away. I was wondering if anyone is interested in Owning a Symbolics XL1200? ... 24 Jan 2010 18:04
How to turn on multithreading capability in CLISP? GNU CLISP 2.48 i386 (Intel Mac) I checked and multithreading isn't enabled by default (no :mt package in *features*). ... 24 Jan 2010 05:42
Lisp packaging and version management.. Hi, I started to learn Lisp a few weeks ago. I installed a few packages and wrote some modifications/additions. Naturally, I was also curious why such an appearantly powerful system is used so little. I'm pretty sure I stumbled on one of the reasons today, while trying to deploy my work on a different mach... 25 Jan 2010 10:31
clisp on emacs+slime Hi all, I've just started my journey through the land of lisp (clisp) on Slackware64-current using Emacs + slime. I've got a few basic questions regarding setting up working environment. The emacs slime-mode starts without any errors but the key bindings seems not to work. This is my .emacs file ;; Lisp (s... 27 Jan 2010 14:52
How do I go from a variable name literal to the variable itself? Suppose I have a function that returns the name of the variable as a literal value say 'date. There is a variable of that same name whose value I want to get to. How do I coerce 'date into the variable date so that I can get it's value ie: (value date) -> "1/31/2010" from the literal 'date? ... 22 Jan 2010 14:03 |