From: Pasha Karami on
Dear all,

I would like to plot 3D and contour plot of a list of data together(in one
plot) in Mathematica6.
I know in Mathematica 5.2 with ListShadowPlot3D we could plot what i need.
However,Mathematica6 does not have this command and in the help documents
it has something for functions not the data list.
Any suggestions?
Thank you.


From: Mark McClure on
On Sat, Oct 3, 2009 at 9:05 AM, Pasha Karami <karami(a)> wrote:
> I would like to plot 3D and contour plot of a list of data together
> (in one plot) in Mathematica6.
> I know in Mathematica 5.2 with ListShadowPlot3D we could
> plot what i need.

Plot3D and ListPlot3D return their output in the form
Graphics3D[GraphicsComplex[{points, primitives}]]
Thus, you can generate the plots, project the points,
and display it all together. Here's an example:

data = Table[
3 (1 - x)^2 Exp[-x^2 - (y + 1)^2] -
10 (x/5 - x^3 - y^5) Exp[-x^2 - y^2] -
(1/3) Exp[-(x + 1)^2 - y^2] + 20,
{x, -3, 3, 0.5}, {y, -3, 3, 0.5}];

pic = ListPlot3D[data, PlotRange -> All,
InterpolationOrder -> 2, MeshFunctions -> {#3 &},
ColorFunction -> (ColorData["SouthwestColors"][#3] &)];

project[{x_, y_, z_}] = {x, y, 0};
project[list : {{_, _, _} ..}] := project /@ list;
Show[{pic, MapAt[project, pic, {1, 1}]},
PlotRange -> All, ViewPoint -> {2.06082, -2.4884, 1.0054}]

Mark McClure