From: Mark Wong on
Tom Lane wrote:
> Mark Wong <markw(a)> writes:
>> Tom Lane wrote:
>>> This is a server-side failure --- could we see how order_status()
>>> is defined? What PG version are you testing exactly?
>> I took pgsqsl snapshot from cvs on Sept 11. Due to the length of the
>> file that order_status() is in and of order_status() itself, here's is a
>> url for the file in the svn repository. order_status() is defined
>> starting on line 710:
> Hmph. I think we broke something --- the error implies that some
> function tried to return a tuple that hadn't been properly "blessed",
> but I can't see that order_status or any of the other functions in that
> file are doing anything wrong. In any case, if it used to work for you,
> we had better figure out exactly why it stopped working.
> I know you've posted info before on how to set up and run the dbt code,
> but could you refresh my memory? Is there a URL somewhere with the info?

Here's a readme:

But perhaps something much easier, using subversion:

mkdir /mnt/dbt2 # for pgdata
svn co dbt2
cd dbt2
../configure --with-postgresql=<pgsql_dir>
cd scripts/pgsql/
../build_db -g -w 1
cd ..
../run_workload -w 1 -d 120 -c 20 -n

I think that should work. That will create a 1 warehouse database and
run a 120 second test with no-thinktimes. That should be sufficient to
run through each transaction more than several times.


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

From: Tom Lane on
Mark Wong <markw(a)> writes:
> But perhaps something much easier, using subversion:

> mkdir /mnt/dbt2 # for pgdata
> svn co dbt2
> cd dbt2
> ./configure --with-postgresql=<pgsql_dir>

configure is not in the svn checkout. I guessed that I needed to do
aclocal/automake/autoconf, but automake fails:

$ automake required file `' not found

and I don't see anyplace to get from.

regards, tom lane

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
subscribe-nomail command to majordomo(a) so that your
message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

From: Mark Wong on
Tom Lane wrote:
> Mark Wong <markw(a)> writes:
>> But perhaps something much easier, using subversion:
>> mkdir /mnt/dbt2 # for pgdata
>> svn co dbt2
>> cd dbt2
>> ./configure --with-postgresql=<pgsql_dir>
> configure is not in the svn checkout. I guessed that I needed to do
> aclocal/automake/autoconf, but automake fails:
> $ automake
> required file `' not found
> $
> and I don't see anyplace to get from.

Oops! 'autoreconf --install' is what I run to generate all that stuff.
Sorry about that.


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
subscribe-nomail command to majordomo(a) so that your
message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

From: Tom Lane on
Mark Wong <markw(a)> writes:
> Oops! 'autoreconf --install' is what I run to generate all that stuff.

Ah, better. I see at least part of the problem:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION stock_level (INTEGER, INTEGER, INTEGER) RETURNS INTEGER AS '/home/tgl/dbt2/storedproc/pgsql/c/../../../storedproc/pgsql/c/funcs' LANGUAGE C STRICT;
psql:/home/tgl/dbt2/scripts/pgsql/../../storedproc/pgsql/c/stock_level.sql:7: ERROR: incompatible library "/home/tgl/dbt2/storedproc/pgsql/c/../../../storedproc/pgsql/c/": missing magic block
HINT: Extension libraries are now required to use the PG_MODULE_MAGIC macro.

You need to add something like this to funcs.c:

#include <executor/spi.h> /* this should include most necessary APIs */
#include <executor/executor.h> /* for GetAttributeByName() */
#include <funcapi.h> /* for returning set of rows in order_status */
+ #endif

#define DEBUG

With that change, I didn't see run_workload report any errors, but maybe
I don't know where to look. I'm not sure how this bug could have led to
a "type not registered" error ... the query should've just failed outright.

regards, tom lane

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

From: Mark Wong on
Tom Lane wrote:
> Mark Wong <markw(a)> writes:
>> Oops! 'autoreconf --install' is what I run to generate all that stuff.
> Ah, better. I see at least part of the problem:
> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION stock_level (INTEGER, INTEGER, INTEGER) RETURNS INTEGER AS '/home/tgl/dbt2/storedproc/pgsql/c/../../../storedproc/pgsql/c/funcs' LANGUAGE C STRICT;
> psql:/home/tgl/dbt2/scripts/pgsql/../../storedproc/pgsql/c/stock_level.sql:7: ERROR: incompatible library "/home/tgl/dbt2/storedproc/pgsql/c/../../../storedproc/pgsql/c/": missing magic block
> HINT: Extension libraries are now required to use the PG_MODULE_MAGIC macro.
> You need to add something like this to funcs.c:
> #include <executor/spi.h> /* this should include most necessary APIs */
> #include <executor/executor.h> /* for GetAttributeByName() */
> #include <funcapi.h> /* for returning set of rows in order_status */
> +
> + #ifdef PG_MODULE_MAGIC
> + #endif
> /*
> #define DEBUG
> With that change, I didn't see run_workload report any errors, but maybe
> I don't know where to look. I'm not sure how this bug could have led to
> a "type not registered" error ... the query should've just failed outright.

The error is captured in dbt2/scripts/output/*/client/error.log, where *
is the run directory.

Ok, I'll give it a shot on my system.


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend