From: Raphael on 16 Apr 2010 15:15 "Bruno Luong" <b.luong(a)fogale.findmycountry> wrote in message <hqaalt$hle$1(a)>... > "Yi Cao" <y.cao(a)> wrote in message < d = 1./sum(Neigh); d = spdiags(d(:),0,n,n); AverageVelocity = d*(Neigh*Velocity); with parentheses like Yi Cao calculated is indeed very fast (and easy). Great ! Only issue : it doesn't take care of NaNs. I'm thinking that putting rows and columns i in Neigh to 0 if Velocity(i,:) is NaN should work. Shouldn't it ?
From: Bruno Luong on 16 Apr 2010 15:43 Like YC's matrix product but, taking into account NaN: V = Velocity; BAD = isnan(V); V(BAD) = 0; V = Neigh*[V ~BAD]; V = reshape(V,[n 3 2]); AverageVelocity = V(:,:,1)./V(:,:,2); % Bruno
From: vortse a on 16 Apr 2010 20:39 That's it! I have been bested in all accounts by the masters of m-code! I found the bug in my code (I had stupidly reversed as and bs in find), I corrected Raphael's code, I updated Yi Cao's code to use spdiags and added Bruno Luong's accumarray solution to the comparison. The result speaks for itself: n=10000, time in seconds, profiler on thresh YiCao#3 Raphael vortse a B.Luong 0.60 0.7334 1.3698 6.6863 4.5849 0.80 0.1214 0.6612 1.8262 1.2387 0.90 0.0316 0.5022 0.5181 0.3029 0.95 0.0094 0.4235 0.1579 0.0800 0.99 0.0027 0.4013 0.0348 0.0050 0.997 0.0022 0.3972 0.0096 0.0029 0.999 0.0020 0.3904 0.0059 0.0030 I never thought I'd see such a speedup, so simply. the new comparison code: clear all % some example data n=10000; Velocity=randn(n,3); Neighseed=rand(n)+speye(n); % now all points are neighbour to themselves sparsity=[0.6 0.8 0.9 0.95 0.99 0.997 0.999]; tims=zeros(length(sparsity),4); % for different sparsity cases for spk=1:length(sparsity) Neigh0=Neighseed>sparsity(spk); Neigh0= Neigh0 & Neigh0'; Neigh=sparse(Neigh0); % % Yi Cao's code tic d = 1./sum(Neigh); % updated 2nd time! d = spdiags(d(:),0,n,n); AverageVelocity1 = d*(Neigh*Velocity); % AverageVelocity1 = diag(1./sum(Neigh,2))*(Neigh*Velocity); % AverageVelocity1 = diag(1./sum(Neigh))*Neigh*Velocity; t1=toc % Raphael's code tic AverageVelocity2=NaN(n, 3); for i=1:n % AverageVelocity2(i,:)=nanmean(Velocity(Neigh(:,i),:)); AverageVelocity2(i,:)=nanmean(Velocity(Neigh(:,i),:),1); % updated! end t2=toc % vortse a's code tic % preparation of indexes for neighbour summation (vectorised) [bs,as]=find(Neigh); % neighbour indices, as is sorted nbs=full(sum(Neigh,1)); % number of neighbours per point is=1:length(nbs); nbzero=nbs==0; nbnz=not(nbzero); a=nbs; isnn=is(nbnz); nbss=cumsum(a); c=[0 nbss(1:end-1)]; mxa=max(a); mxav=(1:mxa).'; inbc=bsxfun(@le,mxav,a); b=bsxfun(@times,mxav,inbc); nbc=bsxfun(@plus,b,c); extra=nbss(end)+1; % location of extra element for padding nbc(~inbc)=extra; % vb=[Velocity(bs,:);[NaN NaN NaN]]; % neighbour velocities for all points AverageVelocity3=NaN(n,3); for dim=1:3 vbd=vb(:,dim); AverageVelocity3(:,dim)=nanmean(vbd(nbc'),2); end t3=toc % Bruno Luong's code tic AverageVelocity4 = nan(n, 3); [i j] = find(Neigh); for k=1:3 vk = Velocity(:,k); uk = isnan(vk); vk(uk) = 0; s = accumarray(j, vk(i), [n 1]); c = accumarray(j, 1-uk(i), [n 1]); AverageVelocity4(:,k) = s./c; end t4=toc % tims(spk,1:4)=[t1 t2 t3 t4]; % check results resultcheck12=all(lt(abs(AverageVelocity1-AverageVelocity2),10^-8)) resultcheck32=all(lt(abs(AverageVelocity3-AverageVelocity2),10^-8)) resultcheck42=all(lt(abs(AverageVelocity4-AverageVelocity2),10^-8)) end % semilogy(sparsity,tims,'-*','DisplayName','time comparison'); legend('Yi Cao #3','Raphael','vortse a', 'Bruno Luong');
From: Raphael on 16 Apr 2010 20:50 "Bruno Luong" <b.luong(a)fogale.findmycountry> wrote in message <hqaek9$qic$1(a)>... > Like YC's matrix product but, taking into account NaN: > > V = Velocity; > BAD = isnan(V); > V(BAD) = 0; > V = Neigh*[V ~BAD]; > V = reshape(V,[n 3 2]); > AverageVelocity = V(:,:,1)./V(:,:,2); > > % Bruno Simply brilliant. It even "recovers" the NaNs by dividing 0 by 0. It is also super fast. Thank you very much.
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