From: jmfbahciv on
J. Clarke wrote:
> Bret Cahill wrote:
>>>> Shine a 4 milliwatt 645 nm wavelength dollar store pet laser onto a
>>>> red reflector lens at night and it explodes into color.
>>>> Slender reflective fibers would easily reflect a relatively low
>>>> power satellite based laser a couple hundred miles back to the
>>>> satellite and show up on satellite imaging. A very weak magnet on
>>>> each fiber could orient the fibers in specified directions with
>>>> respect to the earth's magnitic field it the time it would take to
>>>> fall hundreds or thousands of feet from a plane.
>>>> It would be very difficult to tramp over the fibers without
>>>> disturbing the orientation.
>>>> When Al Quada tries a night time ambush, everyone on the planet
>>>> knows about it.
>>> This is the kind of hare-brained scheme that some Beltway Bandit
>>> would come up with. Fine, you can detect "tramping". So how do you
>>> tell that it was the bad guys and not some kid herding his Daddy's
>>> goats?
>> Send a drone over.
> And how does "sending a drone over" tell you about events that happened
> hours earlier? Are you going to "send a drone over" every time a rabbit
> runs down the road?
>> The satellite system monitors hundreds of thousand of square miles
>> silently and, with UV or IR lasers, invisibly.
> And it finds that, wonder of wonders, there is traffic on roads. The
> problem is not determing whether there is traffic but determining which
> specific traffic is planning to cause trouble.
>>> As for
>>> distinguishing digging from traffic, fine, let's say you can do
>>> that. So they pay a bunch of kids to bury thousands of coffee cans
>>> all over the place and you can't tell where the real bomb is until
>>> you go dig them all up by which time it's already gone off.
>> The more you force the enemy to waste time with counter measures the
>> less time and resources they have to deploy real bombs.
> So how much does it cost you to deploy your fancy bullshit and how much does
> it cost him to defeat it?
The answer to all those problems is start 300 Tupperware
franchises, 50 Avon, and sell 1000 portable sewing machines
for $1.