From: Steve Amphlett on
What percentage of your Matlab (& Simulink) community writes MEX functions?
From: Oliver Woodford on
I do.
From: Walter Roberson on
Steve Amphlett wrote:
> What percentage of your Matlab (& Simulink) community writes MEX functions?

I am not _aware_ of anyone at work using MEX, but it is not out of the

We do have people at work who use packages written by other people that
require mex.
From: dpb on
Steve Amphlett wrote:
> What percentage of your Matlab (& Simulink) community writes MEX functions?

Before retiring, it was 100% (but then again, was self-employed one-man
consulting gig, too... :) )

From: Matt Fig on
I do, both C and Fortran, C more often that Fortran.

I only write them about once a year nowadays. With the JIT, I just don't need them as often as I did before v 6.5.