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Wildcat! Live Exchange V1.0e Available
A new update to Wildcat! Live Exchange v1.0e (wcLEX), a new Microsoft Forums Web to News Reader NNTP Proxy allowing to continue using your favorite news reader is now available. You may download it from this site: Some new features/enhancements, major highlights - Mim... 10 Jun 2010 17:56
How to let a CFrameWnd based SDI application start in full screen?
I have a CFrameWnd based SDI application. I want it to start in full screen. I did the following: BOOL CMainFrame::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs) { ... = WS_OVERLAPPED | WS_CAPTION | WS_MAXIMIZE cs.dwExStyle &= ~WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE; cs.lpszClass = AfxRegisterWndClass(0); return TRUE; } ... 12 Jun 2010 20:26
Getting Pixels in the wrong RGB Order
I am getting pixels from a memory device context and they are coming back as BRG order instead of RGB order. How can I get then to come in RGB order. I am using CDC::GetPixel(X, Y); ... 11 Jun 2010 09:14
CMFCPropertyGridCtrl - Get the value from the grid
Hi All, I have an MFC application with a TreeView and a CDockablePane Properties Window. When I select a tree item - I display its properties in the properties window. That works. But I don't know how to change the tree item properties when I change the values in the properties window. My problem is in gettin... 21 Jun 2010 16:56
Shared DLL question on win7
Error Code: 0xC000041D Config: Use MFC in a Shared DLL OS: Win7 Ultimate IDE Set: VS2008 SP1 I don't know why when I run a program which is written for MFC Shared DLL, 0xC00041D will come up. It is in the crtmbox.c file saying there is something wrong with the callback. ///////////////////////////////////////... 9 Jun 2010 20:56
Hello is vc.language group still in existance
I want to subscribe. But no longer get access to it. Why? Thanks Jack ... 14 Jun 2010 09:33
Main window steals focus from child only when child is being moved
Okay, okay, so I know these groups are "dead" and MS isn't hosting them anymore. I don't care. You all always were more helpful than the forums. I have an MFC Doc/View application that is VERY atypical (It's actually an emulation of another system). But I have a window that controls the application that opens... 10 Jun 2010 14:35
Possible to view TRACE output without VS?
I'm trying to debug a stubborn problem which only occurs at a customer site. If I give the customer a debug version of the app, is there any simple way they can get output from the TRACE statements, given that they do not have VS installed? The app is a dialog-based MFC project, built statically. ... 10 Jun 2010 14:35
MFC Not Dead
Of all of the newsgroups I subscribed to this is the *only* one left. MFC is not only still alive, it's newsgroup (one of the most popular over the years) continues on until the end of the newsgroup world. The correlative forum is picking up momentum though so I wonder if it will still be here much longer as ... 20 Jun 2010 00:20
Simple hack to get $1000 to your home.
Simple hack to get $1000 to your home at Due to high security risks,i have hidden the cheque link in an image. in that website on left side below search box, click on image and enter your name and address where you want to receive your cheque.please dont tell to anyone. ... 8 Jun 2010 23:55
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