From: Vincent on
I am using version 12.0.6535.5005 of the msaccess.exe executable on a
Windows 7 64-bit computer. Every time I open and exit Access, the GUI
will be made invisible, but the process is still running in the
background. This occurs even if I do not open any database files--
simply opening msaccess.exe and closing it causes the process to hang.

Has anyone else experienced this issue? Does anyone know if there is
an update to this issue?


From: Vincent on
On Aug 13, 12:47 pm, Vincent <animedrea...(a)> wrote:
>  I am using version 12.0.6535.5005 of the msaccess.exe executable on a
> Windows 7 64-bit computer.  Every time I open and exit Access, the GUI
> will be made invisible, but the process is still running in the
> background.  This occurs even if I do not open any database files--
> simply opening msaccess.exe and closing it causes the process to hang.
> Has anyone else experienced this issue?  Does anyone know if there is
> an update to this issue?
> Thanks.
> Vincent

Okay, I may have been seeing things regarding simply opening the
executable. I'm not certain.

I am troubleshooting one particular application and if I do not call a
particular function, the msaccess.exe exits cleanly. If I do call
this function, the msaccess.exe process hangs. The function in
question is shown below and the various API declarations are shown as

Does anyone see an issue with how this is written that would cause
msaccess.exe to hang?



Private Function EnumerateDatabases() As Boolean
On Error GoTo Err_EnumerateDatabases

Dim strDBList As String
Dim iSearchHandle As Long
Dim pFindFileBuff As WIN32_FIND_DATA

iSearchHandle = FindFirstFile("v:\*.mdb", pFindFileBuff)

If (iSearchHandle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) Then
strDBList = strDBList & TrimNull(pFindFileBuff.cFileName)
& ";"
Loop While (FindNextFile(iSearchHandle, pFindFileBuff))
Close FindClose(iSearchHandle)

Me.cmbDB.RowSource = strDBList
EnumerateDatabases = True
End If

Exit Function
MsgBox "Error: EnumerateDatabases()" & vbCrLf & Error
Resume Exit_EnumerateDatabases
End Function

Here are the various delcarations:

Private Declare Function FindFirstFile Lib "Kernel32" Alias
"FindFirstFileA" _
(ByVal lpFileName As String, lpFindFileData

Private Declare Function FindNextFile Lib "Kernel32" Alias
"FindNextFileA" _
(ByVal hFindFile As Long, lpFindFileData As

Private Declare Function lstrlenW Lib "Kernel32" _
(ByVal lpString As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function FindClose Lib "Kernel32" _
(ByVal hFindFile As Long) As Long

Private Type FILETIME
dwLowDateTime As Long
dwHighDateTime As Long
End Type

Private Type WIN32_FIND_DATA
dwFileAttributes As Long
ftCreationTime As FILETIME
ftLastAccessTime As FILETIME
ftLastWriteTime As FILETIME
nFileSizeHigh As Long
nFileSizeLow As Long
dwReserved0 As Long
dwReserved1 As Long
cFileName As String * 260
cAlternate As String * 14
End Type
From: Stuart McCall on
I think the problem lies here:

Close FindClose(iSearchHandle)

The Close statement is used to close open files. All you actually need is:

FindClose iSearchHandle