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From: kpg on 1 Jul 2005 13:49 In my VB6 app I am using msxml3.dll to talk to a secure web service. <code> Dim req As New MSXML2.XMLHTTP "POST", "http://webservice.asmx", False req.send strXML </code> A customer I have was working fine yesterday, but now they get this error: ERROR:12045-Client authorization not setup Which has to with an invalid or missing root certificate. On my test machine, I delete all the trusted root certificates from IE6 and I can reproduce the error. To fix it on WIN 98 I re-install IE6. To fix it on XP I enable "Update root certificates" in add/remove windows components. The customer has 98, but re-installing IE6 does not fix the problem. What could be the problem? kpg |