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What does Islam mean?
What does Islam mean? [align=left]1. Islamic belief: Islam is an Arabic word, it means that you totally surrender to God, and worship Him only. Here also I must explain what does worship means? It doesn't mean that you only pray, its meaning is much much wider, to worship God is that you look at Him as your ONLY... 19 Jul 2010 11:19
Showing all fonts
Hi. I'm wondering if there is an applescript script or a free program that will show examples of all my fonts in one document. I want to disable some of my fonts and such a display would help me out a log. Thanks ... 18 Jul 2010 04:08
Mac-Comcast-Internet connection diagnostic?
I normally connect to the Internet via a Comcast residential service with the following physical devices in the chain: MacBook (10.4.11) --- Airport Extreme base station ==== Comcast-provided modem (a Motorola "Surfboard") +++ (outside world) where --- is an Airport WiFI link; === is Cat 45 Ethernet cabl... 18 Jul 2010 14:52
Mail and IMap
Hi. I use Mail version 4.3 and I've had a POP account since I began using the internet in 1992. I'm interested in changing my account to IMap, but I have some questions. I use Mail's Rules extensively and have ten Smart Folders and about 30 more folders into which my mail is automatically filtered. Will the ... 18 Jul 2010 13:46
Ariadne Designs Ltd
Web design Ariadne Designs is a website design and development company, specialising in high quality web design, e newsletters, flash, creative design and web software producing bespoke web solutions. We work with Joomla sites as well as bespoke content management. ... 20 Jul 2010 10:14
Retrospect warning
I'm running Retrospect 6.1.138 under OS 10.4.11 (Tiger) on a PowerBook. When I reboot, which is infrequent, I get a warning from Retrospect that I haven't backed up since Friday, Aug 5, 1921. Deleting existing backup files (I back-up to a file on an external disk) and doing a backup to a new backup set didn't help... 17 Jul 2010 15:13
"View this email as a web page" ??
When I receive an email which contains a clickable link -- like for example a message from my friendly Allstate Insurance provider with the following content (the actual URL part being hidden, but copy-able) < G93VaVRVupjjhjyHnL30eVolli%3... 16 Jul 2010 23:08
WORK WITH INTERNET ONLINE JOBS - EARN $19,000 MONTHLY Start Earning At - ... 16 Jul 2010 01:15
Fairy scenes
Fairy scenes The sections that cried and asked YouTube viewers translation: http... 15 Jul 2010 20:55
Enlarging Browser Display Images
I assembled a couple of .png files together so I could relay an image from a magazine article. I handed the link to my sister. She displays on Internet Explorer, I assume, and says the font is too small to read. I'm struck curious by that. I would think the image is the same for every browser displaying it. Ma... 16 Jul 2010 01:15
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