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From: Lohique on 11 May 2010 03:09 Hello . Recently i learn to use matlab. I have tried to find a solution on internet but with any success. I'm trying to find the magnitude on a wav file. I'm trying to "enslave" (overcome ?) my speakers with my microphone. The main problem is the gestion of the magnitude ( i have divided by the initial pressure ) .I want to see how many db ( or dbs ) I have . That's my code : % Extraction du fichier [x,]=wavread('1500hz.wav'); fs = 44100; % %Construction des graphes t=(0:length(x)-1)/fs; % times of sampling instants subplot(2,1,1); plot(t,x); legend('sinus'); xlabel('Temps (s)'); ylabel('Amplitude'); % % transformation de fourrier plus fenĂȘtre de hamming Y=fft(x.*hamming(length(x))); % Spectre max de 3000 hz hz3000=3000*length(Y)/fs; f=(0:hz3000)*fs/length(Y); subplot(2,1,2); z=20*(log10(abs(Y(1:length(f))/(2*10^-5))+ eps)); plot(f,z); legend('Spectre'); xlabel('Frequence (Hz)'); ylabel('Amplitude (dB)'); Thank you for helping |