From: Andrzej Adam Filip on
Ignoramus22979 <ignoramus22979(a)NOSPAM.22979.invalid> wrote:
> I would like to know if there is some "dummy" program that looks to
> the outside worls as a MTA, but in reality all it does is accept
> incoming mail and simply disregards it (drops to bit bucket).
> I know that sendmail can be configured to do what I want, but it is a
> lot of overhead given what I want.

*WHY* do you need it?
Even *realistic* speed tests would require something more complicated (IMHO).

[pl>en Andrew] Andrzej Adam Filip : anfi(a) : Andrzej.Filip(a)
In the long run, every program becomes rococco, and then rubble.
-- Alan Perlis
From: Andrzej Adam Filip on
Grant Taylor <gtaylor(a)> wrote:
> Andrzej Adam Filip wrote:
>> *WHY* do you need it?
> - Spam trap (looking at the IP addresses of sending hosts?)
> - eMail sink for testing a mail system (i.e. send to all while the
> smart host is the mail sink)
> - Experience
> - Set up a lab for students to troubleshoot things.
> ...
> Granted, there probably aren't any uses in normal day to day email
> delivery, but that does not preclude uses of in non day to day
> delivery.

I *know* there are some strange and untypical "niches" for such
requirement. I merely dare to suggest that the best solution may
depend on the specific niche.

[pl>en Andrew] Andrzej Adam Filip : anfi(a) : Andrzej.Filip(a)
I never forget a face, but in your case I'll make an exception.
-- Groucho Marx