From: Ste Magi on
Hi Giuseppe,
thank you very very much! Actually I've seen this property but I used it in
a bad way. I notice this property is invalid when the message is complete.
the property is used instead if the message has the body to be downloaded!!
Thank you very much again!
We are developing a sync client using SYNCML for ppc and smartphone... :)

www funambol com
magi <> funambol com


"GG" <see(a)my.sig> ha scritto nel messaggio
> "Ste Magi" <stemagi(a)community.nospam> wrote in message
> news:ehOa88ABHHA.3380(a)TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>> Hi all,
>> thanks for your response!
>> Peter, I have already looked at these properties but the MSGSTATUS_* are
>> good to sign the message and to say its status. I'm able to set and get
>> these values. They are responsible to change the icon of the message.
>> Using the msgstatus flags, now I am able to change the icon and set the
>> size and name of the attachments in the mail
>> I tried the PR_CE_FETCH_SIZE but with no success. I cannot get any value
>> for that. Also I tried to set this property before create the new email
>> without success.
>> Here ( I downloaded the example
>> and source of this program that spies the properties, for outlook. I have
>> seen the property without value (D 0X824C (0X8F05))
>> {00062014-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} (PT_LONG) (0x824c0003) but it
>> doesn't work on ppc.
>> In this there is the value of the total size of the mail to be
>> downloaded.
>> From the source code of the program I have seen it load all the
>> properties used by a function IMAPIProp::GetPropList() that is documented
>> for ppc but not implemented :(
>> Matt, maybe these latest hints can help you remember anything?? :)
>> Many thanks again
>> Marco
> The total size of message to be downloaded is in PR_MESSAGE_SIZE_EX,
> defined in cemapi.h
> HTH,
> --
> Giuseppe Govi
> giuseppe.govi <> syncdata it

From: GG on
"Ste Magi" <stemagi(a)community.nospam> wrote in message
> Hi Giuseppe,
> thank you very very much! Actually I've seen this property but I used it
> in a bad way. I notice this property is invalid when the message is
> complete. the property is used instead if the message has the body to be
> downloaded!!
> Thank you very much again!
> We are developing a sync client using SYNCML for ppc and smartphone... :)
> Marco
> www funambol com
> magi <> funambol com

As far as I know, this property is not documented. I had to write my own
"CEMAPI explorer" to discover how it is used.

Have fun :)

Giuseppe Govi
giuseppe.govi <> syncdata it

From: Ste Magi on
very good I have to say...
I spent a lot of time to see how some properties are used...
we are working also on our own transport layer derived from the one in the
We have implemented some functions and other seems not very clear. We use it
only to start our synchronization process but surely the possibility are a
Maybe do you have experience about it?
I have seen your site and applications :) . Maybe could you are interesting
to share info and knowledge?
Let me know...



"GG" <see(a)my.sig> ha scritto nel messaggio
> "Ste Magi" <stemagi(a)community.nospam> wrote in message
> news:%23Qb2JnLBHHA.3316(a)TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>> Hi Giuseppe,
>> thank you very very much! Actually I've seen this property but I used it
>> in a bad way. I notice this property is invalid when the message is
>> complete. the property is used instead if the message has the body to be
>> downloaded!!
>> Thank you very much again!
>> We are developing a sync client using SYNCML for ppc and smartphone... :)
>> Marco
>> www funambol com
>> magi <> funambol com
> As far as I know, this property is not documented. I had to write my own
> "CEMAPI explorer" to discover how it is used.
> Have fun :)
> --
> Giuseppe Govi
> giuseppe.govi <> syncdata it