From: George Herold on
On Feb 9, 5:39 am, Jon Kirwan <j...(a)> wrote:
> On Mon, 8 Feb 2010 19:16:24 -0800 (PST), George Herold
> <ggher...(a)> wrote:
> >><snip>
> >"I'm wondering about additional topology changes to improve
> >the performance still more."
> >Hi Jon,  I've been 'sorta' following your thread on s.e.basics.  I
> >wonder if you abandoned class  A operation too early?  Why not keep
> >things linear evreywhere and avoid the ‘dead band’?  So what if you
> >need a bigger heat sink.  It’s certainly a lot simpler.
> >George H.
> Well, George... No, I've not abandoned it.  Actually, it's my
> hope to wind up building the amplifier and then operating it
> (by hopefully choosing a design where that is possible) in
> different modes for the learning experience of it.  I hope
> that is in the cards.  I really do.
> But to make a sharp point on it, although it's probably just
> an extreme case, I remember reading about a 10W amplifier,
> single channel, dissipating 120W!  Creeps me out.  So I
> definitely _want_ to consider other classes of operation. And
> cripes, I want to learn, anyway.  So why not keep my options
> open?
> Jon

" I remember reading about a 10W amplifier,
> single channel, dissipating 120W! "

It might have been here,
I got to reading about amplifiers on the above site... Do in part to
your interest.

George H.
From: Bob Monsen on
"Jon Kirwan" <jonk(a)> wrote in message
> I think this fits in, not .basics.
> Jon

Sorry, I didn't read the entire message...

However, if you want a stiff multiplier, use a TLV431 instead of a BJT.
Somewhat more expensive, but it'll be VERY stiff.

However, you don't really want to hold that value constant. You want the
voltage to compensate for the temperature of the output transistors. You
might be able to use a diode to track the temperature change, and then use
that in the feedback loop to compensate the TLV431.

A honking big capacitor, one that has very low impedance at your frequencies
of interest, is probably the best idea I've seen on the thread.

On a related note, there was an article in a recent EDN about a self biasing
preamp which was kinda cool. Instead of trying to track the difference using
diodes or a multiplier, it used a couple of transistors and an opamp to set
the correct values at the bases of the pass transistors. It was so novel (at
least to me) that I typed it into LTSpice. Here it is:

Version 4
SHEET 1 948 680
WIRE -288 -304 -608 -304
WIRE -16 -304 -288 -304
WIRE 144 -304 -16 -304
WIRE 320 -304 144 -304
WIRE 512 -304 320 -304
WIRE -288 -272 -288 -304
WIRE -608 -240 -608 -304
WIRE 320 -240 320 -304
WIRE 320 -128 320 -160
WIRE 320 -128 240 -128
WIRE 512 -128 512 -304
WIRE 448 -80 384 -80
WIRE 240 -64 240 -128
WIRE -608 -16 -608 -160
WIRE -160 -16 -608 -16
WIRE -128 32 -464 32
WIRE 48 32 -48 32
WIRE 112 32 48 32
WIRE 512 32 512 -32
WIRE 512 32 192 32
WIRE 560 32 512 32
WIRE 656 32 624 32
WIRE 672 32 656 32
WIRE -464 96 -464 32
WIRE 48 96 48 32
WIRE 128 96 48 96
WIRE 240 96 240 0
WIRE 240 96 192 96
WIRE 320 96 320 -32
WIRE 512 96 512 32
WIRE 672 128 672 32
WIRE -608 144 -608 -16
WIRE -608 144 -704 144
WIRE 32 144 -96 144
WIRE 448 144 384 144
WIRE 144 160 144 -304
WIRE -464 176 -464 160
WIRE -16 176 -16 -304
WIRE 48 176 48 96
WIRE 112 176 48 176
WIRE -96 192 -96 144
WIRE -48 192 -96 192
WIRE 240 192 240 96
WIRE 240 192 176 192
WIRE 320 192 240 192
WIRE -464 208 -464 176
WIRE 32 208 32 144
WIRE 32 208 16 208
WIRE 112 208 32 208
WIRE -160 224 -160 -16
WIRE -48 224 -160 224
WIRE -608 240 -608 144
WIRE -704 256 -704 144
WIRE -704 352 -704 320
WIRE -608 352 -608 320
WIRE -608 352 -704 352
WIRE -464 352 -464 288
WIRE -464 352 -608 352
WIRE -288 352 -288 -192
WIRE -288 352 -464 352
WIRE -272 352 -288 352
WIRE -16 352 -16 240
WIRE -16 352 -272 352
WIRE 144 352 144 224
WIRE 144 352 -16 352
WIRE 512 352 512 192
WIRE 512 352 144 352
WIRE 672 352 672 208
WIRE 672 352 512 352
FLAG -272 352 0
FLAG 656 32 out
FLAG -464 176 in
SYMBOL npn 384 96 M0
SYMATTR Value 2N3904
SYMBOL npn 448 -128 R0
SYMATTR Value 2N3904
SYMBOL pnp 384 -32 R180
SYMATTR Value 2N3906
SYMBOL pnp 448 192 M180
SYMATTR Value 2N3906
SYMBOL voltage -288 -288 R0
WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 0
WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 0
SYMATTR Value 12
SYMBOL cap 224 -64 R0
SYMATTR Value 10�F
SYMBOL res 208 16 R90
WINDOW 0 0 56 VBottom 0
WINDOW 3 32 56 VTop 0
SYMATTR Value 1k
SYMBOL res -32 16 R90
WINDOW 0 0 56 VBottom 0
WINDOW 3 32 56 VTop 0
SYMATTR Value 100
SYMBOL voltage -464 192 R0
WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 0
WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 0
SYMATTR Value SINE(0 .2 1k)
SYMBOL cap -480 96 R0
SYMATTR Value 10�F
SYMBOL cap 624 16 R90
WINDOW 0 0 32 VBottom 0
WINDOW 3 32 32 VTop 0
SYMATTR Value 470�
SYMBOL res 656 112 R0
SYMBOL res 304 -256 R0
SYMATTR Value 1k5
SYMBOL Opamps\\LT6234 144 192 R0
SYMBOL res -624 224 R0
SYMATTR Value 1k
SYMBOL cap 192 80 R90
WINDOW 0 0 32 VBottom 0
WINDOW 3 32 32 VTop 0
SYMATTR Value 10pF
SYMBOL res -624 -256 R0
SYMATTR Value 1k
SYMBOL Opamps\\LT6234 -16 208 R0
SYMBOL cap -720 256 R0
TEXT 552 -296 Left 0 !.tran 0 .1 0 1u
TEXT 552 -256 Left 0 !.four 1k 10 v(out)
TEXT 552 -216 Left 0 ;.noise V(out) V2 oct 1001 1 100k

Bob Monsen

From: Jon Kirwan on
On Tue, 09 Feb 2010 06:49:11 -0500, Bitrex
<bitrex(a)> wrote:

>Jon Kirwan wrote:
>> On Mon, 08 Feb 2010 22:17:31 -0800, John Larkin
>> <jjlarkin(a)> wrote:
>>> On Mon, 08 Feb 2010 22:11:51 -0800, Jon Kirwan
>>> <jonk(a)> wrote:
>>>> On Mon, 08 Feb 2010 20:49:24 -0800, John Larkin
>>>> <jjlarkin(a)> wrote:
>>>>> On Mon, 08 Feb 2010 20:43:03 -0800, Jon Kirwan
>>>>> <jonk(a)> wrote:
>>>>>> On Mon, 08 Feb 2010 17:54:13 -0800, John Larkin
>>>>>> <jjlarkin(a)> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hang a big capacitor across it.
>>>>>> Nice try.
>>>>>> Jon
>>>>> No, seriously, that solves a bunch of problems.
>>>>> John
>>>> Which problems does a slew-dependent, C*dV/dt bypass current
>>>> solve?
>>>> Jon
>>> A big cap across the biasing gadget keeps the voltage drop across it
>>> fairly constant, of course. That nukes some of the problems you
>>> referred to. More peak current is available to the output bases, for
>>> example.
>> What size cap would help with power supply ripple? Seems the
>> dV/dt is so small that a fair sized cap would be required to
>> make any difference. Similarly for low frequency amplified
>> signal out of the VAS. When you say "big," maybe you mean
>> it.
>> Ban is suggesting global NFB from output back to input.
>> You've said as much when you say to apply "lots of NFB." I
>> don't doubt the sincerity of either of you and I'm certain it
>> will do a lot. But right now I'm interested in seeing what
>> can be done right on this local subcircuit and at LF as well
>> as higher frequencies. Unless someone wants to walk me
>> through the thinking towards the larger concepts. I'm good
>> either way, as it's the learning that takes place I'm looking
>> for. But without such guidance, I need to move along at the
>> pace I can handle while guiding myself.
>> Jon
>Hey Jon, I found a derivation of the input impedance of the two-resistor
>/transistor Vbe multiplier you might be interested in looking at:

That one takes an approach that I'm not familiar with and
didn't take. I'll have to consider the approach more.
However, I did take a look at the end of it. It says:

R = (R1+(R2||re)) / (1+(1/R1+gm)*(R2||re))

If I understand the value gm, and I may not, it's just 1/re
or else re=1/gm. Basically, just the (kT/q)/Ic I'd mentioned
when I wrote. If that is the case, I used these to see how
that page predicts:


and then computed:


and got:

502.5719049 Ohms.

This is so far from my own calculations of about 15.4 Ohms
that I just _had_ to put this into LTspice and test it. To
do that, I simply set up the basic circuit with the two
resistors and BJT and then hooked up a variable current
source to the topside. I set it up as an AC source of 5mA
with peaks of 500uA, and then ran a .TRAN on it and plotted
the upper rail of the structure's voltage. I used a 2N2222
BJT, as well. Convenient, and I have them laying about.

Anyway, so I ran the sims and got 17.44mV, peak to peak.
Divided by the peak to peak current variation of 1mA gives an
apparent R of 17.44 Ohms. My calculations arrived at 15.4
Ohms, or so.

All this could be operator error. I may be operating the web
page you suggested incorrectly, so that the 503 Ohms I get is
because I didn't know what I was plugging in and where. I
may be operating LTspice incorrectly, so that it's results
aren't usable and it's just luck that the numbers worked out
in my favor.

But there it is.

Here is the LTspice file:

Version 4
SHEET 1 880 680
WIRE 128 0 16 0
WIRE 224 0 128 0
WIRE 288 0 224 0
WIRE 128 32 128 0
WIRE 16 112 16 0
WIRE 224 112 224 0
WIRE 128 160 128 112
WIRE 160 160 128 160
WIRE 128 208 128 160
WIRE 16 224 16 192
WIRE 128 320 128 288
WIRE 224 320 224 208
WIRE 224 320 128 320
WIRE 128 336 128 320
FLAG 128 336 0
FLAG 288 0 V_rail
FLAG 16 224 0
SYMBOL npn2 160 112 R0
SYMATTR Value 2N2222
SYMBOL res 112 192 R0
SYMATTR Value 1k
SYMBOL res 112 16 R0
SYMATTR Value 1k
SYMBOL current 16 192 R180
WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 0
WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 0
SYMATTR Value SINE(5m 500u 50)
TEXT -76 296 Left 0 !.tran 1

>For bypassing purposes the rule of thumb I've always heard is to make
>the impedance of the capacitor 1/10th the value of the impedance looking
>in to the circuit at the lowest audio frequency.

Well, let's assume that I got lucky and LTspice and I agree
on the figure of about 16 Ohms. With a signal at 20Hz, we
are talking:

C = 1/(2 PI f (R_ac/10)) = 5000uF

Yikes. John L. wasn't kidding when he wrote "big." Luckily,
in steady state it could be a low voltage cap!

From: Jon Kirwan on
On Tue, 09 Feb 2010 07:03:18 -0800, John Larkin
<jjlarkin(a)> wrote:

>On Mon, 08 Feb 2010 22:43:19 -0800, Jon Kirwan
><jonk(a)> wrote:
>>On Mon, 08 Feb 2010 22:35:05 -0800, John Larkin
>><jjlarkin(a)> wrote:
>>>On Tue, 9 Feb 2010 00:28:27 -0600, "Tim Williams"
>>><tmoranwms(a)> wrote:
>>>>"Jon Kirwan" <jonk(a)> wrote in message
>>>>> Part of the function of the Vbe multiplier is to also track
>>>>> the Vbe requirements for the output stage as it heats up and
>>>>> cools down.
>>>>The general idea is to put the Vbe transistor on the same heatsink as the
>>>>outputs, if not glued to a transistor directly.
>>>>Unfortunately, for widely mismatched current densities, this doesn't work.
>>>>In this boringly typical circuit, the 2N3904 Vbe mult. doesn't have enough
>>>>tempco to compensate the far beefier (= lower current density??) output
>>>>I was thinking of adding another CCS so a constant voltage drop appears on
>>>>the Vbe's base divider resistor. Algebraically subtracting a fairly stable
>>>>voltage results in the effective tempco (percentwise) increasing. The base
>>>>divider ratio has to be changed to compensate.
>>>>> In this case, I want it to track the output stage so I'm
>>>>> going to have to couple it thermally in some useful way. What
>>>>> I'm considering, right now, is how to make it immune to
>>>>> unregulated supply variations and VAS output voltage swings.
>>>>Don't worry about stability -- as John said, bypass and forget about it.
>>>>Most of the dynamic VAS/CCS current flows into the output stage, since
>>>>that's what it's there for anyway. The capacitor helps turn on the N side /
>>>>turn off the P side for rising edges and vice versa.
>>>>As for PSRR, the CCS's and gobs of feedback keep that in check. Of course,
>>>>in principle you need something to start the CCS's. ICs do this with a JFET
>>>>(i.e. current regulating diode) or bandgap reference (e.g., TL431), or
>>>>sometimes both, to set a master current, from which everything else is
>>>>mirrored. Most discrete circuits just use a resistor, which is "0%" PSRR,
>>>>but it's not all that bad because the currents are balanced (*on average*,
>>>>which means you'll see IMD products when it's moving).
>>>This topology, thermally coupled Vbe multiplier, was mediocre 50 years
>>>ago. And still is.
>>A trek of a thousand miles starts with but the first step.
>A trek of 23,000 miles starts with but the first step in the wrong

There is no wrong direction at the start. It's all good.

From: Jon Kirwan on
On Tue, 09 Feb 2010 08:03:14 -0700, Jim Thompson
<To-Email-Use-The-Envelope-Icon(a)> wrote:

>(1) Split R1, bypass that junction to ground


>(2) Make R5 and R6 into mirrors, resistor feed from VDD, but split and
> bypassed.

I had been thinking more like this structure:

>: to input to voltage
>: stage mirror amp stage
>: | ,---, |
>: | | | |
>: | | | |
>: | gnd | |
>: | \ |
>: | / R4 |
>: | \ |
>: | / |
>: | | |
>: | ,------+ |
>: | | | |
>: | --- C1 | |
>: | --- | |
>: | | \ |
>: | | / R3 |
>: | | \ |
>: | | / |
>: | Vdd | |
>: Q2 c\| | R5 |/c Q3
>: |-----------+----/\/\-----|
>: e<| | |>e
>: | | |
>: | R1 |/c Q1 |
>: +---/\/\----| |
>: | |>e \
>: | | / R6
>: | | \
>: \ | /
>: / R2 | |
>: \ | |
>: / | |
>: | | |
>: Vdd Vdd Vdd

However, I take your point.

>(3) As you said, replace R4:R3 with a mirror, I don't think a compound
>device mirror, such as Wilson, is necessary.

Understood. Although I'm not able to make my own decisions
on this, yet, I've read repeatedly that the distortions to
deal with are not at the input stage. The input stage can be
made better, the improvements are small in comparison to what
remains in the rest of a well-designed system. Point taken.

>Study this if you want more info....

Thanks, I will!

>(4) Since you're on a learning curve, just replace D1/D2 with 1.5*Vbe,
>losing about 1/5 of the Q3 quiescent current in the resistors.

Thanks for taking a moment to confirm the "1/5th" division.
I'd already figured that was commonly done and had some ideas
of my own about why that makes sense. (I could talk about
that, but I'm sure you already know and I think I know, too.)

>Bypassing base-to-base (of Q4-Q5) will help at all but very low

Okay. That's how I see it, too.

>(5) Long haul as you "oomph" the power:
> Q3 goes to Darlington, as do Q4 and Q5; D1/D2 becomes more
>complicated (Darlington extension of Vbe multiplier).

This is what I'd like to explore, right now. Extensions.
It's because it is where my mind is at, right now. And I
want to explore this more fully before walking away from it
and moving on.

>Start simple, then grow it, that way you learn before you flame it ;-)

hehe. Good advice, of course. As I'm still struggling to
make sure I understand each piece, right now, I'm just not
yet ready to put it all together -- not even in a low power
system. I might be able to vaguely grasp what I would be
doing, but I prefer taking each part and thoroughly looking
at its function before moving on. Then, when I look once
again at the whole, I can better "read" what I see and that
helps a lot in terms of gaining a global view. I'm still in
the trenches, right now, and not allowing myself to raise my
head much above that until I get some of the details nailed

Speaking of that, can you confirm (or correct) the equation I
developed for the simple Vbe multiplier's small signal R? Or
the relative scale and _sign_ of the Early effect correction
to it, which I peg near -1 part per thousand in the case I

All this is good for me to go through.

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