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From: Glenn on 29 Apr 2010 07:14 No problems, I have given up. I assume that the complete lack of response means that the problem I described is not 'fixable'. I reverted to the much more complicated approach of: So, basically all Transfer Functions can be built using an Integrator (1/sTn) and +,-,* & / blocks. If you arrange the blocks correctly you can create a 1st Order Lag ("PT1") (1/(1+sTc), a Derviative ("DT1") (sTv/(1+sT1) and obvioulsy an Integrator ("INT") (1/sTn). PT1 Block Arrangement: * (Input - Integrator Output) / Tc = Integrator Input * Integrator Output = PT1 response. * So you now have a PT1 Transfer Function (1/(1+sTc)) with a Time Constant (Tc) that you are able to vary. DT1 Block Arrangement: * ({[Tv / T1] * Input} - Integrator Output) / T1 = Integrator Input * ({[Tv / T1] * Input} - Integrator Output) = DT1 Response. * So you now have a DT1 Transfer Function (sTv/(1+sT1)) with a Derivative Time Constant (Tv) and 1st Order Time Constant (T1) that you are able to vary. INT Block Arrangement: * Input / Tn = Integrator Input * Integrator Output = INT Response. * So you now have an INT Transfer Function (1/(sTn)) with an Integration Time Constant (Tn) that you are able to vary. All I did was to arrange the blocks and then make a Subsystem out of them. Hope that this has helped you, Glenn (xavexstein(a) |