From: Jimbo on

I am trying to use the Win32 function SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime
to get the time of a local city. And it works but, if the city is
currently using daylight savings then my time comes out 1 hour behind.

I have read in MSDN that i can use this function to take into account
daylight savings IF I alter the TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION struct which is
the 1st argument of the SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime function.

How can I alter a TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION struct to find if daylight
savings will be active in a certain area?

Dealing with all these windows structs & classes is sooo confusing :P
Any suggestions or code how to do it would be really helpful. Maybe
you could alter my code below?

string controller::localTime()
// Post: Returns focus cities local time
// NOTE AT PRESENT: function doesn't compensate for Daylight
savings. Need 2 change this

SYSTEMTIME ut, cityTime;

tz.Bias = focusCity->bias;
tz.StandardBias = 0;
tz.DaylightBias = -60;
unused TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION struct variables
WCHAR StandardName[32];
SYSTEMTIME StandardDate;
WCHAR DaylightName[32];
SYSTEMTIME DaylightDate;

