From: Robert Pigeon on


I want to create a Legend on a ListLinePlot I made. I have 4 data groups
I plot on one graph and I want to identify each one by its colour and a

I read about the Legend Package, but it seems, if I understand correctly,
to work only with Plot like graphs. I do not understand why it is so
difficult (it seems to me anyway) to add a legend to a graph. It is common
practice in science to identify a plot with a legend, so others can
understand your graphics. With the Plot command it seems straight forward to
do this with PlotLegend (mind you I do not see how I can move the legend
around...). Why this package is not available with all other graphics tools,
like ListPlot, ListLinePlot,....

Or maybe it is just me ... J



Robert Pigeon

From: David Annetts on
Hi Robert,

> I want to create a Legend on a ListLinePlot I made. I have
> 4 data groups I plot on one graph and I want to identify each
> one by its colour and a name.
> I read about the Legend Package, but it seems, if I
> understand correctly, to work only with Plot like graphs. I
> do not understand why it is so difficult (it seems to me
> anyway) to add a legend to a graph. It is common practice in
> science to identify a plot with a legend, so others can
> understand your graphics. With the Plot command it seems
> straight forward to do this with PlotLegend (mind you I do
> not see how I can move the legend around...). Why this
> package is not available with all other graphics tools, like
> ListPlot, ListLinePlot,....
> Or maybe it is just me ... J

It might just be you ....:) For 5.2 and earlier, Legends can be moved using
the directive LegendPosition->{x, y}. For other plotting commands, Legends
can be used with the command ShowLegend. It's tedious, but not particularly

I hope that Legend use with 6.0 is much less tedious.

Anyway, given

data = Random[] & /@ Range[32];
p1 = ListPlot[data];

We can define a line using

lin = {Graphics[Line[{{-1, 0}, {0, 0}}]]};

And a legend using

lgd = {Transpose[{lin, {"Legend"}}],
LegendLabel -> StyleForm["Label", FontWeight -> "Bold"],
LegendOrientation -> Vertical,
LegendSize -> {.4, .2},
LegendShadow -> .01,
LegendPosition -> {-.2, -.95}

We use them together with ShowLegend[] as

ShowLegend[p1, lgd];

The tedium comes when trying to position the legend, but the two positions
below should get you started.

LegendPosition -> {-.8, .35} (* top left *)
LegendPosition -> {.5, -.5} (* bottom right *)

For graphs of more than one data set, you'll need muliple Legend entries,
for example, given

data = {Random[], Random[]} & /@ Range[32];
data = Transpose[data];
p1 = MultipleListPlot[data, PlotStyle -> {Red, Blue}, SymbolShape ->

One Legend might be

lin = Graphics[{#, Line[{{-1, 0}, {0, 0}}]}] & /@ {Red, Blue};

lgd = {Transpose[{lin, {"Curve 1", "Curve 2"}}],
LegendLabel -> StyleForm["Comparison", FontWeight -> "Bold"],
LegendOrientation -> Vertical,
LegendSize -> {.4, .2},
LegendShadow -> .01,
LegendPosition -> {.5, -.5}

ShowLegend[p1, lgd];



From: Robert Pigeon on
Hi David,
Thanks for the reply! And, yes, it might be just me... :)
But my question was with Mathematica 6.0 .... Your examples are not working
in ver. 6.0 because the Legend package was changed. They do work with 5.2. I
was using Dave Park's DrawGraphics package for my graphics and legends, but
now the package is not working properly anymore.

So my question is still open :)

How can we add legends to a plot (ListPlot or ListLinePlot) to identify
curves ?


Robert Pigeon

-----Original Message-----
From: David Annetts [mailto:davidannetts(a)]
Sent: May-13-07 08:35
To: 'Robert Pigeon'; mathgroup(a)
Subject: RE: Mathematica 6.0 - Legend

Hi Robert,

> I want to create a Legend on a ListLinePlot I made. I have
> 4 data groups I plot on one graph and I want to identify each
> one by its colour and a name.
> I read about the Legend Package, but it seems, if I
> understand correctly, to work only with Plot like graphs. I
> do not understand why it is so difficult (it seems to me
> anyway) to add a legend to a graph. It is common practice in
> science to identify a plot with a legend, so others can
> understand your graphics. With the Plot command it seems
> straight forward to do this with PlotLegend (mind you I do
> not see how I can move the legend around...). Why this
> package is not available with all other graphics tools, like
> ListPlot, ListLinePlot,....
> Or maybe it is just me ... J

It might just be you ....:) For 5.2 and earlier, Legends can be moved using
the directive LegendPosition->{x, y}. For other plotting commands, Legends
can be used with the command ShowLegend. It's tedious, but not particularly

I hope that Legend use with 6.0 is much less tedious.

Anyway, given

data = Random[] & /@ Range[32];
p1 = ListPlot[data];

We can define a line using

lin = {Graphics[Line[{{-1, 0}, {0, 0}}]]};

And a legend using

lgd = {Transpose[{lin, {"Legend"}}],
LegendLabel -> StyleForm["Label", FontWeight -> "Bold"],
LegendOrientation -> Vertical,
LegendSize -> {.4, .2},
LegendShadow -> .01,
LegendPosition -> {-.2, -.95}

We use them together with ShowLegend[] as

ShowLegend[p1, lgd];

The tedium comes when trying to position the legend, but the two positions
below should get you started.

LegendPosition -> {-.8, .35} (* top left *)
LegendPosition -> {.5, -.5} (* bottom right *)

For graphs of more than one data set, you'll need muliple Legend entries,
for example, given

data = {Random[], Random[]} & /@ Range[32];
data = Transpose[data];
p1 = MultipleListPlot[data, PlotStyle -> {Red, Blue}, SymbolShape ->

One Legend might be

lin = Graphics[{#, Line[{{-1, 0}, {0, 0}}]}] & /@ {Red, Blue};

lgd = {Transpose[{lin, {"Curve 1", "Curve 2"}}],
LegendLabel -> StyleForm["Comparison", FontWeight -> "Bold"],
LegendOrientation -> Vertical,
LegendSize -> {.4, .2},
LegendShadow -> .01,
LegendPosition -> {.5, -.5}

ShowLegend[p1, lgd];



From: dh on

Hi Robert,

look up "ShowLegend" in the manual. This works for any type of graphics.

hope this helps, Daniel

Robert Pigeon wrote:

> Hello,


> I want to create a Legend on a ListLinePlot I made. I have 4 data groups

> I plot on one graph and I want to identify each one by its colour and a

> name.


> I read about the Legend Package, but it seems, if I understand correctly,

> to work only with Plot like graphs. I do not understand why it is so

> difficult (it seems to me anyway) to add a legend to a graph. It is common

> practice in science to identify a plot with a legend, so others can

> understand your graphics. With the Plot command it seems straight forward to

> do this with PlotLegend (mind you I do not see how I can move the legend

> around...). Why this package is not available with all other graphics tools,

> like ListPlot, ListLinePlot,....




> Or maybe it is just me ... J




> Thanks,




> Robert




> Robert Pigeon


From: dh on

Hello Robert,

I do not blame you having problems, the documentation for ShowLegend is

really horrible. Here is an example, assuming your graphics with 2

curves is in g:

ShowLegend[g,{{{Red,"asas"},{Blue,"qwqw"}},LegendPosition->{1,0} }]

hope this helps, Daniel

Robert Pigeon wrote:

> Needs["PlotLegends`"]

>a = Table[{i,i^2},{i,1,20}];

>b = Table[{i,i^3},{i,1,20}];

>ListLinePlot[a, PlotStyle -> {Red}]


>(* I get a nice graph of my data *)


>(* Here I would like to put a Legend showing the color and name of the plot *)



> ListLinePlot[a, PlotStyle->{Red}],

> Legend[{Red,"Line a"}]


<And it does NOT work.... I get the following as output




> Robert




> Robert Pigeon
