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Surface integral on a 3D region (Solution)
Here is the solution I worked out for the surface integral question I posed to the group about a week ago. I hope someone else can make use of this solution in the future. These are the expressions that, when equal to zero, define the surfaces of my solid region, which is a circular cylinder with one flat end a... 5 Aug 2010 08:01
A new graphic user interface
Will a graphic user interface be more friendly in new version of Mathematica? ... 13 Aug 2010 07:02
DiracComb and Fouriertransform
Hi, Mathematica 7 seems to have great problems calculating the Fouriertransform of expressions involving the DiracComb. Whilst Mathematica is able to compute the Fouriertransform of the DiracComb, which is the DiracComb itself, without any further ado, even a slight change to the DiracComb distribution makes... 5 Aug 2010 08:01
how to work with custom probability distributions
Mathematica knows a lot of probability distributions and operations on them such as their cumulative distribution function, its converse, convolutions, etc. In my application, I need custom distributions given by finitely many atoms on a lattice and/or a piecewise Lebesgue density. Various other distributions are t... 5 Aug 2010 08:01
Hi. I need some help. The commands Format[a[x_]]:=f[x,a]; Format[a[x_,c]]:=a[x]; Format[b[x_]]:=f[x,b]; Format[b[x_,c]]:=b[x]; assign a certain format to the symbols a and b, so that the input {a[1],a[2,c],b[3],b[4,c]} yields {f[1,a],f[2,a],f[3,b],f[4,b]} Now I want to do the same thing for several... 7 Aug 2010 01:49
Save a notebook state
I have got a medium size .nb notebook, but the "evaluate notebook" command take about half a hour. The "save" command save only input cells (and comments etc.) - but the context (the values of variables) are not saved. Therefore after "open" I must "evaluate" to restore the state of computations from a previou... 6 Aug 2010 07:09
Deleting entries with zero in a table
Hi I have a table, where all the entries containing the integer "0" are redundant, i.e. these entries must be removed. I cannot seem to find a WHERE-command like the one in another system. Is there a smart way of doing this in Mathematica? Best, Niles. ... 6 Aug 2010 07:09
Can't get Mathematica to evaluate correctly a
The input expression must have higher precision N[173746*Sin[10^22] + 94228*Log[171/10] - 78487*Exp[42/100], 10] -1.341818958*10^-12 N[Release[Rationalize[Hold[ 173746*Sin[10^22] + 94228*Log[17.1] - 78487*Exp[0.42]]]], 10] -1.341818958*10^-12 Bob Hanlon ---- Damien Wyart <dami... 7 Aug 2010 07:10
Can't get Mathematica to evaluate correctly a difficult
Damien Wyart wrote: Hello, I am using Mathematica 7.0.2 and playing a bit with an expression analyzed in the following paper: I tried many constructions with N and SetPrecision and can't get Mathematica to output the correct result (I am not very exp... 5 Aug 2010 08:01
Can't get Mathematica to evaluate correctly a difficult expression
Hello, I am using Mathematica 7.0.2 and playing a bit with an expression analyzed in the following paper: I tried many constructions with N and SetPrecision and can't get Mathematica to output the correct result (I am not very experienced with Mathematica). Here i... 5 Aug 2010 08:01
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