From: Michael on
Matlab 2009b


I'd like to use Matlab's engine capabilties from C to send data to Matlab for interactive visualization and manipulation.

1) Windows:
I know in Windows I can run Matlab with the /Automation switch and I get the engine to attach to the existing matlab process, a matlab console window that works how I'd like. Except, it seems I have to run the C exe from within Matlab. I'd rather not have to launch my C exe from Matlab. If I call engwindemo.exe from outside of matlab, I get an error:
"The procedure entry point ?init_application_init(a)detail@matrix@@YA_NH@Z could not be located in the dynamic link library libmx.dll"

Is this to be expected?

2) OSX:
The docs say in Unix the engine can't attach to an existing matlab process. But is there a way to launch the engine so that it starts an interative matlab session, either with command window or full GUI? That would be very useful. Thanks.
