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finding a predefined row in a matrix and delete it..!
Hi everybody, I´m looking for a compact way to localize a row in a matrix deleting that row and reshaping the matrix..! to a new one without the found row..! The problem is has to be compact cause it will be a part of a very long script with GUI and i have to spare some ram solution with loops ...will not solv... 14 Jun 2010 11:45
Object Perimeter jitter from thresholded video
So I've got an object where I've set up the lighting conditions such that the object is dark and the background is light. I select a threshold and apply it to the object. It seems that, due to noise, the perimeter of the object jitters when I extract it. I want to do perimeter analysis (fourier descriptors to star... 12 Jun 2010 10:25
hanwritten characters recognition using neural networks trained by genetic algorithms
"cathrine lab" <lousa_br(a)> wrote in message <hainum$rrg$1(a)>... Dear all, I will be highly appreciated if any one can help me by a matlab application that recognizes characters using a learned neural network by genetic algorithm. your help is much appreciated regards ... 12 Jun 2010 09:20
Plotting system of spheres in 3D
I am trying to find out the distance between the two spheres as a function of azimuthal angle, arranged in a manner so that the line joining the centers of each sphere forms a tetrahedran. I am finding difficulties in visualizing the 3D geometry. Please help me. Abhishek(India) ... 12 Jun 2010 09:20
Does fill() remove tag of axes???
hello i want to reference axes by a tag and then fill the plot with fill(). but after using fill() the tag of the axes is deleted as you can see in the example: fig = figure(1); ax = axes('Parent', fig, 'Tag', 'axTag', 'Units', 'characters', 'Position', [10 10 5 5]); till now i still can reference the axes by... 14 Jun 2010 11:45
Draw a vectorized circle
Hi, Is there a way to plot a vectorized circle in matlab in the sense that it invokes the "arc" command when printed to Postscript. I'm asking because plot(cos(alpha), sin(alpha)) is just gnarly looking. Thanks, Sam ... 12 Jun 2010 09:20
linear interpolation
Hello, for analytical data I need a linear interpolation. If I use the interp1-command I get a function with a y-value unequal zero at the point x=0 in the form y=A+Bx. But I need a function in the form y=Bx were the graph has a y-value of 0 at the x=0 without additives. What can I do here? ... 12 Jun 2010 05:01
Continuous data stream from dos executable
Any suggestions for how to continuously pipe data from a dos program? Approximately once per second the dos program has a data packet. I need to know when it is ready and then receive it. I do not want to place a blocking call using the Matlab dos() command because that will cause the dos executable to load ever... 12 Jun 2010 02:52
Initializing a variable so I can get: size(var)=[0 0]
Hi. I wanted to know if I can initialize a variable in MATLAB, say var, so I can get the following result: % size(var) ans 0 0 % This question came to my mind when I realized that varargin (variable length input argument list) can actually throw this result! Many thanks in advance. PS: Any comment reg... 12 Jun 2010 23:41
bode plot
Hello I have a function for frequency analysis. I have equations something like on this link, first example, but whenever I copy that to look at it, Undefined function or method 'tf' for input arguments of type 'double'. this error shows up, ... 12 Jun 2010 09:20
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