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simulation problem i am simulating transfer function of sine (10w/s^2+w^2) i.e my amplitude is 10.when i am increasing w value my amplitude of sine is decreasing which should not happen as i am keeping my amplitude constant.and also amplitude range is 0-10 instead od -5 to +5..please help me ... 5 Jul 2010 04:33
simulink transfer funcion problem i am simulating transfer function of sine (10w/s^2+w^2) i.e my amplitude is 10.when i am increasing w value my amplitude of sine is decreasing which should not happen as i am keeping my amplitude constant.and also amplitude range is 0-10 instead od -5 to +5..please help me ... 4 Jul 2010 02:34
Trouble installing MatlabR2010a-linux on Ubunty 10.04 LTS Many thanks to Charles for his excellent solution to the problem of the missing In my system, the was found in the /usr/lib folder though. After successfully installing MATLAB, I tried to follow the instructions on in order to solve the "per... 21 Jul 2010 10:14
Linking error when using rtw to compile sfunction builder block I'm having the same issue. Here's the printout for a simple gain patch: ### Starting Real-Time Workshop build procedure for model: gain ### Generating code into build directory: C:\Users\user\Documents\MATLAB\Test\gain_grt_rtw ### Invoking Target Language Compiler on gain.rtw ### Using System Target File: C:\Progra... 5 Jul 2010 02:25
remove alternate elements in a vector "Matt Fig" <spamanon(a)> wrote in message <i0p3ki$i6t$1(a)>... A(2:2:end) = [] Oh yea! thanks! ... 4 Jul 2010 01:30
Retrieving graphics from AxisCanvas Object Consider using the getframe function if all you want to do is take a picture of the axes and put it into a Java object. You will also have to make the FigureComponentContainer object disappear for a brief moment to avoid capturing those artifacts in your figure into your screenshot. The modified code is as follow: ... 4 Jul 2010 01:30
Joint probability Hi all, I have a math problem. I have three vectors of the same length, representing a car's headway S, speed V and a vector (e.g. Z) which can take on the value of 0 or 1 (representing the fact if a driver will take a certain action or not). What I want is to be able to calculate the (joint) probability that ... 6 Jul 2010 15:34
remove alternate elements in a vector Hi I have a very huge vector: A = [ 0 3 1 4 2 6 4 ...] I want to remove the alternate elements from it such that it becomes: A = [ 0 1 2 4 ...] I can't think of a smart way to do it. Thanks in advance. ... 4 Jul 2010 01:30
PLOT file.m in GUI Hi Andrea, Please check my submission here that comes close to what you want: Thanks, Saurabh ... 4 Jul 2010 00:25 |