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RC-Element Hallo, I want to simulate a RC-element with the load- and dischargetime. The Capacitor are in a series circuit with a resistor R1 (load) and in a parallel circuit with an other resistor R2 (discharge). Now I have a Sine Wave-Block with a frequency of 100 Hz. A rectifier converts the Sinwave into a half-wave rectific... 22 Jul 2010 02:43
challenging reading Hi I am reading the file which contains - THIS SPICE3 RUN WAS SUBMITTED WITH THE FOLLOWING COMMAND LINE - /apps/tispice/patches/3.95p5/pgms.LNXi86/spice3 - THIS SPICE3 RUN WAS SUBMITTED FROM THE FOLLOWING WORKING DIRECTORY - /sim/TLV1117LV_DS/x0138322/spice - THIS SPICE3 RUN WAS SUBMITTED WITH TISPI... 22 Jul 2010 10:18
Miss something or Bug? Hi!, I'm Ariel G and I have a problem with matlab. I tried to find a root of a function but I have differents numbers. The funcion is: y = log(x) - exp(-x) The fzero('log(x)-exp(-x)',2) results: ans = 1.3098 I put an ezplot and everything goes ok. BUT, in other applets and in MAC OSX grapher the root of the ... 22 Jul 2010 02:43
how to use neural network to tell true or false of a realtimeinput? Simeon wrote: Thanks for the reply. The problem is: the new input from the subjects keeps coming in, there is no time to "Train it again". I am wondering whether there is a better way to do the two tasks simultaneously: 1. tell weather the current input is ture ("the most frequent feature vector" ) ... 21 Jul 2010 23:29
how to use neural network to tell true or false of a realtime Thanks Greg, for your suggestion N (number of input variables) is small, complex stimuli always make observers unconfident. I will say N <=6 M (number of observations) is not decided yet, but won't be large, because every subject is paid, not free. I will say M <1000. Each subject feeds his response to the ne... 22 Jul 2010 03:47
14 bit pipelineadc have any body is having script for 14 bit pipeline adc or any pipeline adc ... 21 Jul 2010 23:29
upper triangular matrix i have a 1000x1000 upper triangular matrix (the main diagonal is all 0) and i want to place the values from the upper half in the corresponding entries in the lower half. i've been trying a'*a but that isn't working. i also tried a for loop method but that is giving me a matrix of all zeros when i do a(i,j) = a(j,i).... 21 Jul 2010 22:24
How does findobj sort the output handle? Dear all Recently, I am confusing about 'findobj' command. I read HELP file of findobj, but did not find anything about the output regulation rule of findobj. It seems the output handle is descending. For example: findobj('Color','r') ans = 167.0044 166.0044 152.0044 But I m not sure how findobj s... 21 Jul 2010 22:23
collect(Z,L) not collecting all terms So i have this function Z. I want to collect all the 'L' terms. There are 2 problems; firstly it doesnt collect them all together, it will have some parameters times by L^3 and then later on have another clump times L^3 (see output below. Secondly, I have a non-sensical piece in the output (see the <<& sign) i... 22 Jul 2010 10:18
More help optimizing my code Hi there, I have the following code to count how many points in a time series i will have when I average my input data. My problem is that my code takes way too long. Any suggestions on how to speed things up would be great because my input is about 60 million rows of csv data. Thanks in advance! function x = ... 22 Jul 2010 18:00 |