Is there any readymade function by which part of a string can beextracted?
Is there any readymade function by which part of a string can be extracted? like almost every other programming language has methods like 'substring'/'substr' to extract a part from a string based upon the start and end index???? ... 13 Feb 2010 11:31
Cutting objects from images
Hello. There is a color image (I), which contains many cells, there is a binary mask of this image (bw). Using text: [bw1 num] = bwlabel (bw, 8); feats = imfeature (bw1, 'Image', 8); Image = feats (4). Image; I've got to cut the mask "bw" and get in the "Image" image of all cells individually. Questi... 13 Feb 2010 11:31
hi, i'm using the nurbs toolbox from Paul Zhang and i think that the demonstration of democoons solves my problem. but i have a problem with understanding the code. does this section means the x,y,z values? pnts = [ 0.0 3.0 4.5 6.5 8.0 10.0; % transposed x-vector??? 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; ... 17 Feb 2010 00:08
laplace transformation
Hi guys, I am trying to perform a very simple inverse laplace; syms s f = 1/s; f Transfer function: 1 - s ilaplace(f) and i am getting this error: _ ??? Undefined function or method 'ilaplace' for input arguments of type 'tf'. when then tring to do the laplace of another function; i g... 13 Feb 2010 09:17
Angle Recovery in Fourier Mellin Image Registration
I am doing image registration using Fourier-Mellin Transform. Till now, the algorithm which I am following is as follows: 1. read two images and take their FFT 2. shift both the ffts to the centre of the spectrum using fftshift 3. convolve both fft magnitudes with a high pass filter 4. transform both into log pola... 13 Feb 2010 07:07
How to access .m files situated at a directory other than the
Samiran My problem is like this - Suppose I have a directory structure as followed- PARENT_DIRECTORY     -- CHILD_DIRECTORY1        -- myfun.m [FILE]     -- CHILD_DIRECTORY2     -- mainfile.m I have some codes written in mainfile.m situated in the PARENT_DIRECTORY ... 13 Feb 2010 07:07
Final year Project
Hi, I need help on my final year project, its on speech processing. till now i have tried a program using the help on matlab, but don't know how to create a database and how to match the spoken words using eucledian distance or any other parameter? its my final year project and need help.... my group wants to oper... 13 Feb 2010 06:02
How to access .m files situated at a directory other than theworking direc
My problem is like this - Suppose I have a directory structure as followed- PARENT_DIRECTORY     -- CHILD_DIRECTORY1        -- myfun.m [FILE]     -- CHILD_DIRECTORY2     -- mainfile.m I have some codes written in mainfile.m situated in the PARENT_DIRECTORY which is my working directory. And it ... 13 Feb 2010 06:02
Error message with imread and imshow
Hi! I tried to read and present a picture in matlab. The picture itself was created using adobe illustrator and then I saved it in tif format. When I tried to use 'imread', the following error message appears: imread(Calculation_1.tif) ??? Attempt to reference field of non-structure array And when I tried... 15 Feb 2010 17:45
Counting of stem cells from an microscopic image.
I am trying to code a program for counting the number of round stem cells from an microscopic images. 1.) The cells are of two types.. Live (white, bright) & Dead (dark blue stained). 2.) Cells have to be identified only from the 4*4 matrix. All other cells outside 4*4 matrix are to be neglected. 3.) Can you... 26 Feb 2010 04:09