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From: ShuTing Goh on 18 Dec 2009 13:32 hi, This is something that bothering me recently. I'm trying to run a Extended Kalman Filter that I wrote myself on a pentium 4 cpu. However, everytime I run the code, it will end up the matrix becomes singular after a moment. But, if i load the same sets of data, and run the same code in my other c2d pc, I won't have any singularity problems. This is a little fustrated for me, because I had to run the codes for few days long non stop, while I can't run it on my primary usage pc. And I had to run it on either my office's pc or my spare laptop, which both are pentium 4 cpu. But the main problem is that both of these return the singularity issue. so, is there anyway to avoid this? The version I have, is matlab 7.1 if it does matter.
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