From: Bruno Luong on
"Bruno Luong" <b.luong(a)fogale.findmycountry> wrote in message <hrrk5c$rkh$1(a)>...
> James, I run this code on 2010A/Vista64, and it obviously runs until the end, showing that mxRealloc is functioning.

I carry out more tests:

Same command fails on 2010A/Vista32, and works with 2006B/Vista32.

So the problem seems to be real, and affects 32-bit OS.

From: Bruno Luong on
I have run the code and track down the pointer address as well as the memory. Here is the code

#include "mex.h"

#define MAXTEST 100

void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) {

void *ptr[MAXTEST];
int n;

/* Allocate/Reallocate MAXTEST times */
for (n=0; n<MAXTEST; n++) {
ptr[n] = mxMalloc(1073741824); /* <- 1 Gbytes */
if (!ptr[n]) break;
mexPrintf("Allocate %d times, ptr[%d] = %p\n", n+1, n, ptr[n]);
/* If the following line is removed, 'Out of memory' error will be issued assuming RAM is less than 100 Gbytes*/
ptr[n] = mxRealloc(ptr[n], 1);
mexPrintf(" reallocate at ptr[%d] = %p\n", n, ptr[n]);
mexEvalString("[uV] = memory;");
mexEvalString("fprintf('Matlab uses %d Mbytes\\n', round(uV.MemUsedMATLAB/1024^2));");
for (; n--;) {
if (ptr[n]) mxFree(ptr[n]);

/* Allocate MAXTEST times */
for (n=0; n<MAXTEST; n++) {
ptr[n] = mxMalloc(1073741824); /* <- 1 Gbytes */
if (!ptr[n]) break;
mexPrintf("Allocate %d times, ptr[%d] = %p\n", n+1, n, ptr[n]);
/* If the following line is removed, 'Out of memory' error will be issued assuming RAM is less than 100 Gbytes*/
mexEvalString("[uV] = memory;");
mexEvalString("fprintf('Matlab uses %d Mbytes\\n', round(uV.MemUsedMATLAB/1024^2));");
for (; n--;) {
if (ptr[n]) mxFree(ptr[n]);

When running on 2010A 64bit,
The output of the first part with reallocation is:

Allocate 1 times, ptr[0] = 0000000080000040
reallocate at ptr[0] = 0000000080000040
Matlab uses 507 Mbytes
Allocate 100 times, ptr[99] = 00000019C0620040
reallocate at ptr[99] = 00000019C0620040
Matlab uses 508 Mbytes

Note stability of that the memory used Matllab, even the pointer value does not change by reallocation.

The output of the first part WITHOUT reallocation is:

Allocate 1 times, ptr[0] = 0000000080000040
Matlab uses 1532 Mbytes
Allocate 2 times, ptr[1] = 00000000C0010040
Matlab uses 2556 Mbytes
Allocate 3 times, ptr[2] = 0000000180010040
Matlab uses 3580 Mbytes
Allocate 4 times, ptr[3] = 00000001C0020040
Matlab uses 4604 Mbytes
Allocate 5 times, ptr[4] = 0000000200030040
Matlab uses 5628 Mbytes
Allocate 6 times, ptr[5] = 0000000240040040
Matlab uses 6652 Mbytes
Allocate 7 times, ptr[6] = 0000000280050040
Matlab uses 7676 Mbytes
Allocate 8 times, ptr[7] = 00000002C0060040
Matlab uses 8700 Mbytes
Allocate 9 times, ptr[8] = 0000000300070040
Matlab uses 9724 Mbytes
Allocate 10 times, ptr[9] = 0000000340080040
Matlab uses 10748 Mbytes
Allocate 11 times, ptr[10] = 0000000380090040
Matlab uses 11772 Mbytes
Allocate 12 times, ptr[11] = 00000003C00A0040
Matlab uses 12796 Mbytes
Allocate 13 times, ptr[12] = 00000004000B0040
Matlab uses 13820 Mbytes
Allocate 14 times, ptr[13] = 00000004400C0040
Matlab uses 14844 Mbytes
Allocate 15 times, ptr[14] = 00000004800D0040
Matlab uses 15868 Mbytes
??? Error using ==> testrealloc
Out of memory. Type HELP MEMORY for your options.

The memory used Matllab increases until it crashes.

From: Bruno Luong on
I makes similar test on 2010A/32 bit Vista and the mxRealloc() doesn't free the memory. My conclusion: it is buggy on 32-bit OS, but works fine on 64 bit OS.

From: James Tursa on
"Bruno Luong" <b.luong(a)fogale.findmycountry> wrote in message <hrs9jk$iqe$1(a)>...
> I makes similar test on 2010A/32 bit Vista and the mxRealloc() doesn't free the memory. My conclusion: it is buggy on 32-bit OS, but works fine on 64 bit OS.

I don't have a 64-bit system to test with, but I also consider the 32-bit behavior a bug, although I will admit I don't know exactly what the C standard says is required behavior for realloc calls with regards to returning memory to the heap. Maybe a post to the C newsgroup is in order. In any event, I went ahead and submitted a bug report to TMW.

James Tursa
From: Roland Kruse on
The problem seems to be even stranger.
I use R2010 and Win 7 x64.
If I run the first example

A = sprand(10000,10000,0.1);
C = cell(1,100);
for k=1:100; C{k} = 0*A; end

I loose no memory, even when I use mtimesx.
On the other hand, if I make A more sparse, e.g.

A = sprand(10000,100000,0.001);

then mtimesx will make me loose approx. 70 MB whereas Matlab's mtimes works flawlessly.

So the problem is not restricted to x32 but less severe there.