From: isbrandon on
Hi Jeff,

This is completely unrelated to this post but I found a post of yours from a
few years back on SQLMonster that I was hoping to discuss with you.

Here is the post:

I can be reached at brandonw(a) if you're able to discuss this
post. Thanks.


"jjones64" wrote:

> Paul,
> Thanks for the link. It doesn't appear that I have any of those types of
> scenarios going on, though. The problems are occurring more frequently as of
> yesterday and today, but there are just no indicators (job failures,
> conflicts, etc.) to indicate why this would all of a sudden occur - this
> process has worked remarkably well for 2.5 years. FYI: While I'm using merge
> replication for this process, the subscriber does not change any data, so
> it's really a 1-way sync.
> --
> Jeff Jones
> SQL Professional
> Atlanta, GA
> "Paul Ibison" wrote:
> > Jeff - did you take a look here to see if any applied:
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Paul
> >