From: Alex DeCaria on
>> Delete any decimals in an exponent:
>> '245e7.6' => '2.45e76'
> Where did the dot in between 2 and 4 come from? Am I interpreting the
> String
> or just cleaning it?

This was a typo on my part. It should have read:
'245e7.6' => '245e76'

>> Delete any extra or misplaced + or – signs:
>> '+45-68+e+45-' => '4568e+45'
>> Delete any extra or misplaced 'e' or 'E' characters (first occurance of
>> '+e4.67e-7' => '+4.67e-7'
> Why does the plus in front of 45 in the first one go away, but the plus
> in
> front of the e in the second one stays?

Again, a typo on my part. It should have been:
'+45-68+e+45-' => '+4568e+45'

> This is what I have so far, please check and correct any tests that
> should
> be different

Thank! I'll check the code you gave me and see how it does.

Posted via

From: Alex DeCaria on
> BTW, I would rather not do any cleaning under the hood: let the user
> correct its input himself. For example, give the input to Float() and
> if an error is raised (which Float does as opposed to to_f which never
> raise an error), rescue it by giving feedback to the user (where you
> could use your method to propose an alternative if you want) but do
> not continue without letting the user know he has made a mistake and
> giving him the ability to change his mind.
> Cheers,

I didn't realize the difference between Float() and .to_f. Thanks for
the suggestion.

The user is still aware if they entered an incorrect string, since they
are entering it into a GUI textbox, and the string cleaning is done
after each character is entered. Thus, if they try to enter a misplaced
+ sign or another bad character, they won't see it appear in the
textbox, which should cause them to notice it.

Posted via

From: Alex DeCaria on
Josh Cheek wrote:
> This is what I have so far, please check and correct any tests that
> should
> be different


Your code works great! I knew there had to be a more elegant way to do
this rather than my brute force method.

The only test it didn't seem to work on was eliminating extra + or -
signs, such as '+45-2+8' => '+4528', but now that I see what you are
doing I can probably figure out how to do that. I definitely need to
learn more about regular expressions!

Thanks for your time and effort.

Posted via

From: Jean-Julien Fleck on
Hello Alex,

> The user is still aware if they entered an incorrect string, since they
> are entering it into a GUI textbox, and the string cleaning is done
> after each character is entered.  Thus, if they try to enter a misplaced
> + sign or another bad character, they won't see it appear in the
> textbox, which should cause them to notice it.

Well, then you can't use the Float() trick because 1.0e3 is a valid
but 1.0e is not.
Then there will be a lot of strings your user won't be able to type
even if they are valid in the end.


JJ Fleck
PCSI1 Lycée Kléber

From: Alex DeCaria on
Jean-Julien Fleck wrote:
> Hello Alex,
>> The user is still aware if they entered an incorrect string, since they
>> are entering it into a GUI textbox, and the string cleaning is done
>> after each character is entered. �Thus, if they try to enter a misplaced
>> + sign or another bad character, they won't see it appear in the
>> textbox, which should cause them to notice it.
> Well, then you can't use the Float() trick because 1.0e3 is a valid
> but 1.0e is not.
> Then there will be a lot of strings your user won't be able to type
> even if they are valid in the end.
> Cheers,

Yes, there has to be some additional logic to allow a trailing 'e' with
the assumption that the user will next enter a valid character
afterward. That's what makes it a little complicated (and fun) to
figure out. The goal is, as the user is entering data, to not allow
them to enter anything that is obviously not going to work as a floating
point representation.

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