From: Data on

Data wrote:

> Also, if you're working on a sufficiently project, some companies will
> give you stuff in hopes of getting a design-in.

Sorry -- I meant "sufficiently *large* project". Silly Linotype machine


From: David Brown on
Rocky wrote:
> Hi All,
> I want to move to something bigger than a Z80/8032/PIC which I use at
> the moment. I would like about 50 MIPS, 1MByte Flash, 256KByte RAM -
> possibly all external, integrated ethernet, 2 serial ports, enought
> DSP capability to do 2 or so channels VOIP, the ability to self program
> (bootloader) for remote update.
> I have looked at ST, Freescale and Rabbit. The rabbit seems to be
> almost a fit for everything except the VOIP.
> Any ideas?
> Regards
> Rocky

Use a decent 32-bit processor (I'd go for a ColdFire of personal
preference) with external memory. 1 MB Flash and 256 K ram is beyond
the realm of most integrated devices - you are going to get a lot more
power for your money if you can use external memory. Obviously this
must be balanced with the space needed, but you then get to choose a
processor that fits your needs, and you get a much more flexible system
(doubling the memory would cost almost nothing, for example, and a
development version with enough ram for all the code would be very useful).
From: chris on
Hello all,

I work for a company called NetBurner.

NetBurner has a $99 MCF5270 based development kit. It includes a
NetBurner Mod5270 Core Module and development board, Eclipse IDE, uC/OS
RTOS, TCP/IP stack, web server, C/C++ compiler and linker, flash file
system and deployment tools.

The NetBurner Mod5270 module that comes with the kit has 10/100
Ethernet, 47 digital I/O, 3 UARTs, I2C, SPI, four channel DMA, and
16-bit external data bus. The module has an integrated 32-bit 147MHz
Freescale ColdFire processor with 512k flash memory, 2MB external
SDRAM, four 32-bit timers, watchdog, chip selects, interrupts, and four
programmable interrupt timers.

It includes NetBurner's Eclipse IDE so you can write code in ANSI C/C++
within the Eclipse environment, and compile and load it into a
NetBurner core module over a network. It also comes with a program
called AutoUpdate. Its a tool that is used to download a new code
image to a NetBurner device. This update can be done from any point
that has network access. Also, the source code is included with the
kit so you can make your own customizations for your own application.
NetBurner has some videos so you can see it up and running here:

Here are links to their network development kit page, and their online

If you still need more flash, NetBurner has the MOD5234, MOD5272 kit
with 2MB of flash, 8MB of ram.

Here is their product page:


Rocky wrote:
> Hi All,
> I want to move to something bigger than a Z80/8032/PIC which I use at
> the moment. I would like about 50 MIPS, 1MByte Flash, 256KByte RAM -
> possibly all external, integrated ethernet, 2 serial ports, enought
> DSP capability to do 2 or so channels VOIP, the ability to self program
> (bootloader) for remote update.
> I have looked at ST, Freescale and Rabbit. The rabbit seems to be
> almost a fit for everything except the VOIP.
> Any ideas?
> Regards
> Rocky

From: martin griffith on
On 18 Dec 2006 16:12:04 -0800, in comp.arch.embedded "chris"
<curibe(a)> wrote:

>Hello all,
>I work for a company called NetBurner.
>with 2MB of flash, 8MB of ram.
>Here is their product page:
At bit OT, but I was looking at the SB70 serial to ethernet, so I
tried to register to have a look at the forums, but it did not like me
as I dont have a product or serial number to log in with

From: chris on
Hey Martin,

You can join the NetBurner community here:

Also note that the SB70 serial to Ethernet dev. kit is $99 and comes
with 3 months of technical support direct from NetBurner. I used the
kit to update the SB70 with a custom webpage and filtered incoming
serial data before re-transmitting over the network. You can do all of
the typical serial to Ethernet setup through the webpage (no
programming), but its a pretty simple process to update the HTML using
the included NetBurner Eclipse IDE.

Anyway, you can find more details here:


martin griffith wrote:
> On 18 Dec 2006 16:12:04 -0800, in comp.arch.embedded "chris"
> <curibe(a)> wrote:
> >Hello all,
> >
> >I work for a company called NetBurner.
> >
> >with 2MB of flash, 8MB of ram.
> >
> >Here is their product page:
> >
> >
> >Chris
> At bit OT, but I was looking at the SB70 serial to ethernet, so I
> tried to register to have a look at the forums, but it did not like me
> as I dont have a product or serial number to log in with
> martin