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Add one more EDGE in existing Exchange + EDGE 2007
I need to add new EDGE in my Exchange + EDGE 2007 enviroment (Edge in LAN, I know that isn't a good choice, now I'm changing). I need to deploy new antispam, so I want to Install new EDGE and test it before I will go live, (this will be in DMZ) . Some one could give me some macro information about this topic? or ... 31 May 2010 09:46
Exchange 2007 BPA warning: The SSL certificate for https://server/owa expired Users may be unable to connect with the server
I got the SSL certificate here <url></url> It provides hosting,domain name register, domain appraisal, online file folder, ssl certificate etc... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ View this thread: htt... 31 May 2010 18:36
Resend Mail from Server
Hello All Exchange 2003: Due to a glitch with a setting, all of our users received returned mail stating "you do not have permission to send to this recipient". Since then, we've corrected the problem. My question is as follows: In an effort make our users happy, we would like to be able to rend the mes... 31 May 2010 09:46
IP Blacklisted
I just checked my mail server external IP address at mxtoolbox site. Note: I only have 1 static IP assign to send/receive email. Incoming mail is routed/NATted from ext to privateIP. Similarly, there's a rule for all outgoing mail from my Exchange internal mail server (privateIP) to the internet. Anyway, her... 28 May 2010 23:36
Can not Email 17mb file outside our SMTP connector
I am having an issue where we can not email large files to smtp addresses. We have Outlook/Exchange 2003, I have Changed the Routing Group Connector, Virtual SMTP, Message Delivery, and Mailbox Store send/receive limits to unrestriced. All users are using default settings in Message Delivery--Unlimited. I do... 2 Jun 2010 12:03
What's Causing this Bounced Mail?
Exchange 2003 SP2 running on Windows 2003 R2 SP2 I got the following NDR when I sent a message to JDoe at (not the real address): The following recipient(s) cannot be reached: 'JDoe(a)' on 5/27/2010 5:34 PM There was a SMTP communication problem with the ... 3 Jun 2010 12:18
Can't run Exchange Management Shell - type initializer excepti
I'm having the same problem, and spent 3 or 4 days trying to fix it. Is there any way to repair the management tools without uninstalling and reinstalling all other exchange roles? thanks ... 28 May 2010 12:40
Users are asked for Outlook (or MS Communicator) login every morni
We're running Outlook 2007, Communicator 2007, and Exchange 2007. Each morning our XP users are prompted for their domain user credentials to log into Outlook/MS Communicator. We believe it's the integration between Communicator & Outlook, but we're not 100% sure. If a user shuts down both Outlook & MOC at nig... 1 Jun 2010 23:00
Installing Exchange 2007 SP2 on passive SCC node
Am trying to install exchange 2007 sp2 on the passive node, removed antivirus and MOM agent, restarted Remote Registry and started the the upgrade command. the problem is the setup is stuck on 64% with no errors. anyone can help? environment: - 2 windows 2003 64 R2 sp2 - 2 Exchange SCC SP1 ... 29 May 2010 00:41
Is there an exchange store mode that is accelerated for mailbox loading?
Hi, I recall seeing a way somewhere but can't find it now to put the store in a mode where you can load mailboxes faster using import-mailbox. I am using exchange 2007/sbs 2008. Thanks, Alan ... 27 May 2010 21:29
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