From: Barry Watzman on
Lithium + Water = HELL FIRE !!

== SERIOUSLY, and literally ==

Father Justin wrote:

> It was a trick to buy some time. I think it only worked once - then it
> was time to toss the battery into the closest river.
> Bless you, my son.
From: mike on
Father Justin wrote:
> On 1/11/10 11:19 PM, Barry Watzman wrote:
>> Lithium batteries have a finite number of charge-discharge cycles; the
>> number varies but is typically in the mid-hundreds.
>> You do not have to worry about "memory effect" that was an issue with
>> NiCD batteries. In fact, practices that were used with NiCads are
>> actually harmful to Lithium batteries.
>> If the laptop is plugged in all the time, remove the battery. Being
>> continuously installed in a laptop that is always plugged in will
>> destroy the battery over a period of 6 to 24 months. The culprit is a
>> combination of exposure to high temperatures and over charging, but over
>> a decade of user experience makes it clear that removing the battery is
>> the best thing to do on the vast majority of laptop models. [Note, the
>> battery does need to be "exercised" every 60 or 90 days.]
> That I didn't know. I consistently wear my Macbook Pro 15" battery to
> the brink of shutting down - and charge it overnight.
I think you have to run it until it ACTUALLY DOES shut down to make any
difference. But I know nothing about Mac's