From: GMAN on
In article <4c5d0fea$0$5987$c3e8da3(a)>, John Doe <jdoe(a)usenetlove.invalid> wrote:
>Winniethepooh (GMAN) wrote:
>> John Doe <jdoe usenetlove.invalid> wrote:
>>> VanguardLH <V nguard.LH> wrote:
>>>> B__P wrote:
>>>>> I've a 22" Westinghouse LCD Monitor that stopped working from
>>>>> one day to the next. The light the normally comes on when the
>>>>> monitor is on doesn't even light up. Could it be that a fuse
>>>>> has blown on the inside? Maybe one I could replace? Or
>>>>> perhaps the on/off switch has gone bad. If anyone can provide
>>>>> a credible reason it stopped working and a possible fix, I'd be
>>>>> most grateful.
>>>> Okay, back to the basics.
>>> Nooo! He has to replace all of the capacitors in his monitor.
>>> Outrageous. Apparently some people are really bored.
>> No, just frugal.
>Someone comes in here and asks about a blown fuse or a faulty
>switch, and you suggest he should replace all of the capacitors in
>his monitor. Besides not really knowing anything about the
>original poster or the condition of his monitor, you do not even
>know if his monitor is still under warranty.
>That is just silly.
>> I had a perfectly working and beautiful 24" monitor go out on
>> me, and i'll be damned if i was going to throw the thing out
>> just because $10 in capacitors went out in it. Like i said, for
>> someone like me
>Not likely.
Here we go, still blaming me for your little cable fiasco.