From: vv on
I am looking for a proof of the monotonicity of the angle of a
rational function with constant modulus. That is, let H(z) = z^{-N}
A(z^{-1})/A(z), where A(z) = 1+a1 z^{-1} + ... + aN z^{-N} with the
coefficients being real-valued (the so-called allpass filter in DSP
literature). It is known that the angle of H(z) evaluated on the unit
circle is zero at z=1 and -N pi at z=-1, with passage from 0 to -N pi
being monotonic. A reference that details the proof would be most
welcome. Thanks.

PS: Markushevich didn't seem to have any discussion on this topic,
unless I missed spotting it.
