From: TomGee on
I guess you thought you were answering that post, Platopes, but here is
the post you really answered:

"What s it that keeps bodies at rest?

> Is a state of rest is equivalent to a state of uniform motion?

> If your worldview requires a cause for a state of uniform motion, why does
> it not also require the SAME cause for a state of rest?"

That's why I asked. To me, it would have been a great question if he
had asked why it would not stop. His question simply reflects the
standard model part of inertial motion, but that assumes something
Newton never said but which has been widely attributed to him, plus it
shows the low levels of reasonable thought in physics today most likely
due to scientist's unwillingness to go out on a limb or to buck the

From: TomGee on
Savain, that's only because you're fencing with the automatons produced
in the last two or three generations. What is so offensive from them
is their apparent total inablility to have an original thought. Then
they all sound like parrots over and over again. They are broken
records and you yearn to hear sweet melodies.

It won't happen from them, only from others who question the status quo
of physical ideas being pushed off as fact today. No one can help
them; they're too prideful. But such discourse affects the new
generations who can and do read these ngs and who will be better armed
against their teachers who have failed too many students in the past.
Failed to teach them, that is.

From: Randy Poe on

TomGee wrote:
> Randy Poe wrote:
> > TomGee wrote:
> > It relates force and momentum, i.e., tells you how force and
> > momentum are related, by telling you that force is the time
> > rate of change of momentum.
> >
> No, that is not what it tells you. It is an equation - a math
> construct

It is a model telling you how the two things called force
and momentum are related. The equation doesn't cause this
relationship, but it is a relationship which is true.

> - telling you that the force F is _equal_ to the time rate of
> change of the given momentum, exactly like E=mc^2 tells you not that
> energy is mass, but that the energy E is equal to the given mass
> multiplied by c^2.

That's a pure semantic point. Mass can be viewed as frozen energy,
in the amount mc^2, all of which can be recovered in matter-
antimatter interactions. So in a very real sense, matter IS
energy. You are arguing some fundamental difference between
"is" and "is equivalent to". I don't think it's an important

As for the relation between force and momentum, what F = dp/dt
tells you is that if momentum is changing, there is a force
involved, and if there is a force, then momentum is changing.
The two are inextricably linked. It is not telling you that
sometimes there is a force but dp/dt is zero, and it is not
telling you that sometimes p can change but F can be zero.
It is telling you that if one is zero, the other is zero, and
if one is nonzero, the other is nonzero.

If you have a body with unchanging momentum but say there is a
force acting on it, you have a nonzero term on the right and
a zero on the left. This equation tells you that is impossible.

> Here are 3 definitions of momentum, all common terms in use by
> laypersons

> and scientists

Since you have never claimed to have read any scientific source,
I doubt any claim that you know how scientists use any term.

> alike in the various ways it can be defined.
> None of them define it like you do above, but yours is as common and as
> valid as the others as an equation useful for determining the amount of
> force in a given momentum. You cannot avoid seeing that translates
> literally into what I said, that force and momentum are equivalent.

Certainly I can since that is false.

> See the F on the one side of the = sign? And the other stuff on the
> other side? That means, simply, that if you calculate everything on
> the right side, it will tell you how much force is involved.

Yes. Therefore it will tell you right away that force and momentum
are not equivalent, since when you do this calculation you will
find that F is not the same as p.

> Therefore, if I want to know how much force is involved in a given
> momentum, I have that equation handy.

Did you forget the d/dt part already? It doesn't tell you how
much force is "involved in a given momentum". It tells you how much
force is involved in a given momentum CHANGE. It doesn't matter whether
the momentum involved is a ping pong ball moving at 1 cm/sec or
an elephant at escape velocity. A given force will translate into
exactly the same momentum change for both, because that equation
tells you that force and momentum change are equal, are equivalent,
are the same thing.

> "1. capacity for progressive development: the power to increase or
> develop at an ever-growing pace
> The project was in danger of losing momentum.

This is not the meaning of p in any equation.

> 2. forward movement: the speed or force of forward movement of an
> object
> the momentum gained on the downhill stretches of the course

I agree that this dictionary definition just said that momentum
is the same as "speed of forward movement" and "force of forward
movement". "Force of forward movement" is not a defined quantity
in physics. When somebody wants to do an analysis, the momentum,
force and speed must be kept separate.

> 3. physics measure of movement: a quantity that expresses the motion
> of a body and its resistance to slowing down. It is equal to the
> product of the body's mass and velocity. Symbol p".

There you go. This is a correct classical definition of momentum,
as used in Newton. I believe Newton called it "motus" or motion,
but explicitly said that it is proportional to mass and velocity.
The style doesn't seem to have been to define things in terms
of equations. Instead, he says that the motus of an object is
doubled if you double the mass, and quadrupled if you also double
the velocity.

The correct relativistic definition of momentum is not quite the
same thing.

> Microsoft® Encarta® Reference Library 2005. © 1993-2004 Microsoft
> Corporation. All rights reserved.

Oh gee, what a surprise. Have you considered looking at a physics
book before declaring what physics books say?

> Now in 1., above, momentum is used to mean a "power".

It isn't used to represent a mathematical quantity at all. It's not
a thing that has units or can be measured.

> In 2., it is
> used as a force OR a speed,

Yes, two vaguely defined lay terms are equated.
> and in 3., it is a quantity, just like in
> your equation.

It is the quantity mv, and even Encarta says that is the physics
definition and does not pretend that the first two are used in
physics, as you seem to be doing.

> Here's another definition: A property of a moving body
> that determines the length of time required to bring it to rest when
> under the action of a constant force or moment.

That doesn't tell me HOW it determines that, so it's useless
as a definition. It doesn't tell me how to determine if object
A has twice the momentum of object B or only 1.5 times as much.

> Broadly impetus. That
> too is an explanation of momentum as your equation uses the term.

But an incomplete one. It is hinting at the existence of the F = dp/dt
relation, but not telling you the relation explicitly.

Momentum COULD have been defined in terms of force by your 4th
definition, if it said explicitly that momentum is proportional
to force and the time required to bring it to zero. The inverse
of F = dp/dt, for a constant force bringing a momentum to zero,
is p = F*t (in magnitude. They have opposite signs. See below
for the correct expression using the correct signs). In general
p(t) = integral F(t) dt.

> Yet you dare to say that the only valid way to use the terms force and
> momentum is other than the way they are used in my examples?

Yes, I DARE to say that the only way to use force and momentum
in an equation is in the single definition that said it was
the physics definition, the single definition that offered
an equation.

> You claim
> the right to demand the use of those two terms only in the way your
> equation defines it?

I claim the right to defend the use of those terms in physics
as being the ones that Encarta told you were the physics definitions
of those terms.

> > By the statement F = dp/dt, I mean that force is the time rate
> > of change of momentum.
> >
> > In what way is that not an answer to the question?
> >
> > It is an equation that tells you, given an expression for momentum,
> > how to find out the corresponding force. It tells you, given
> > a force, how to find out its effect on momentum.
> >
> >
> High-sounding words, but they're nonsense. What is "an expression for
> momentum" if not just a quantity?

It's an expression that tells you momentum as a function of time,
which need not be constant.

> It does NOT tell you how to find out
> a force's effect on momentum!

Um, yes it does. It tells you that the force is the time derivative
of the momentum. That doesn't leave a lot of wiggle room. If I know
how force behaves in time and what my initial momentum is, then
I know precisely what the momentum is at every moment in time that
follows. What else could you mean by "find out a force's effect on
momentum" other than "tell you exactly what the momentum will be
at every time forever and ever as a result of that force?"

> Tell us, your Nakedness, just how do we find out a force's effect
> on momentum from F=dp/ dt? You are so funny!

By integration. Would you care to ask a specific example? That
is sufficient to tell you, for instance, what the effect of
a rocket engine is on a rocket, even though the mass of the
rocket is changing as fuel is burned.

It is sufficient to tell you what gravitational force does
to a ballistic object (a thrown rock, a falling mass, a satellite
in orbit). It is sufficient to tell you how those things behave
even when you take into account air resistance and the variability
of gravity with altitude and distance.

Those latter can't be solved with hand, they require computers. But
the computer implementation can be very simple, and plenty of people
with little physics training write computer games using F = dp/dt
to model motion.

Here are some simple examples of how you use F = dp/dt to tell you
the effect of F on a momentum.

Suppose you have a ping-pong ball of mass 0.01 kg moving at
300 m/sec (your opponent has a VERY fast serve). How long
will it take a force of 10 N to bring it to a halt?

p = integral of F dt = p0 + F*t
I want to bring it to a stop, p = 0, so p0 + F*t = 0,
t = -p0/F. The minus signs are because momentum and the force
to change it in this case are in opposite directions. Momentum
points forward, force points back. In terms of their magnitudes,

t = |p0|/|F| = (0.01*300)/10 = 0.3 seconds.

> But I knew all that already just by reading Encarta. What Encarta
> failed to teach me was how to find the effect a force has on momentum
> using your famous equation.

Watch and learn.

Now let's look at a more complicated example. I have the
same ping-pong ball, but this time, the force is acting
perpendicular to the original momentum.

F = dp/dt is actually a vector equation. If the force is
toward the East, then all the changes will be eastward
whatever the actual motion is.

In (2-D) vector terms, this equation is two equations:

F_north = dp_north/dt = 0 (no northward component of force),
so p_north = constant = 0.01*300 = 3 kg-m/sec.

F_east = dp_east/dt = 10 N.

p_east = p_0 + F*t. I originally had no eastward component
of motion, so p_0 = 0. F = 10 N, so

p_east = 10*t

My total momentum as a function of time has a magnitude
of sqrt(3^2 + (10t)^2) = sqrt(9 + 100t^2).

The direction of this momentum vector is the direction of
a vector with northward component 3, eastward component
10t. In navigation terms, which measure "bearings" clockwise
from north, my bearing is


The effect of any force on any momentum can be worked out,
but in general you might need a computer to do it.

- Randy

From: Traveler on
On Mon, 26 Sep 2005 00:15:26 -0600, Happy Hippy <J0HN(a)>

>What about mass?
>Or effect?

Mass is a state, of course. So is energy. And state is just another
name for property.

Louis Savain

Why Software Is Bad and What We Can Do to Fix It:
From: Herman Trivilino on
"TomGee" <lvlus(a)> wrote ...

> There are no bodies at rest in our universe except wrt to other
> objects.

What is it that keeps bodies at rest (with respect to other objects)?

>> Is a state of rest is equivalent to a state of uniform motion?

> No.

Is a state of rest (with respect to another object) equivalent to a state of
uniform motion (with respect to another object)?

If your worldview requires a cause for a state of uniform motion (with
respect to another object), why does it not also require the SAME cause for
a state of rest (with respect to another object)?

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