From: on
Every now and then, someone around here starts making the claim that
having multiple statements per line is good programming style (largely,
this comes from the RosAsm camp where that seems to be the standard
programming style, but other people have posted such code, too).

Multiple statements per line have been possible in programming
languages since the days of Algol-60 (at least), yet you *rarely* see
this facility employed in readable programs. The lack of such usage
should give everyone a big clue that most programmers don't expect to
have to read code written in such a fashion.

Let's consider what Steve McConnell has to say about this subject in
"Code Complete". For those who are unfamiliar with this book, it was
first published in 1993 (a second edition appeared last year) and has
remained one of the top selling computer science books of all time. It
is as close to a universally accepted book on programming style as you
could possibly expect to find (particularly given the wide diversity of
opinions on the subject of programming style). Steve achieves this
"universality" largely by presenting all the possible options for one
give style and discusses the strengths and weaknesses of both sides of
the argument and then leaves it largely up to the reader to decide
between the two, unless there is a very compelling reason to say "don't
do this" or "you should do that".

Here's what Steve as to say about multi-statement source lines (and
there is *little* controversy in what he has to say here, I might point


Using Only One Statement per Line

Modern language such as Pascal, C, and Ada allow multiple statements
per line. Free formatting is a big improvement over Fortran's
requirement that comments begin in column one and statements begin in
column 7 or later.

The power of free formatting is a mixed blessing, however, when it
comes to putting multiple statements on a line:

i=0; j=0; k=0; DestroyBadLoopNames( i, j, k );

This line contains several statements that could logically be separated
onto lines of their own.

One argument in favor of putting several statements on one line is that
it requires fewer lines of screen space or printer paper, which allows
more of the code to be viewed at once. It's also a way to group related
statements, and some programmers believe that it provides optimization
clues to the compiler.

These are good reasons, but the reasons to limit yourself to one
statement per line are more compelling:

* Putting each statement on a line of it's own provides an accurate
view of a program's complexity. It doesn't hide complexity by making
complex statements look trivial. Statements that are complex look
complex. Statements that are easy, look easy.

* Putting several statements on one line doesn't provide optimization
clues to modern compilers. Today's optimizing compilers don't depend on
formatting clues to do their optimizations. This is illustrated later
in this section.

* With statements on their own lines, the code reads from top to
bottom, instead of top to bottom and left to right. When you're looking
for a specific line of code, your eye should be able to follow the left
margin of the code. It shouldn't have to dip into each and every line
just because a single line might contain two statements.

* With statements on their own lines, it's easy to find syntax errors
when your compiler provides only the line numbers of the errors. If you
have multiple statements on a line, the line number doesn't tell you
which statement is in error.

* With one statement to a line, it's easy to step through the code with
line-oriented debuggers [e.g., symbolic debuggers, RLH]. If you have
several statements on a line, the debugger executes them all at once,
and you have to switch to assembler [machine code, RLH] to step through
individual statements.

* With one to a line, it's easy to edit individual statements -- to
delete a line or temporarily convert a line to a comment. If you have
multiple statements on a line, you have to do you editing between other


Some additional comments:

Programmers who've learned their craft in the past 15 years may not
understand why someone would think that putting multiple statements on
a single line produces more optimal code. However, those who grew up
programming in microcomputer BASIC in the late 1970's and 1980's
understand what this comment is about. Back then, programs *did* run
faster if you crammed multiple statements per line. Of course, this
doesn't apply to modern compilers and certainly not to assembly code,
but the explanation is important for historical reasons.

One argument that Steve gives, which is the same argument people around
here are using, for putting multiple statements per line (MSPL) is that
it groups related statements together (which is a good thing). However,
you can achieve the same effect, without the bad side-effects of MSPL
by using blank lines to separate sequences of unrelated blocks of
statements. And using blank lines is *far* more consistent. After all,
there are going to be *some* groups of statements that you could not
place all on one line. So you're going to have to use some other scheme
(such as blank lines) to organize such statements, anyway. Better to be
consistent and use a *single* scheme in the source file to group your
statements rather than having rules that apply in some circumstances
and not in others (and other big no-no that Steve points out when
discussing programming style conventions).

The comment about debuggers needs to be amplified. Steve talks about
dropping down into "assembly" language. Obviously, that statement
wouldn't apply as we're already working in assembly language. However,
Steve doesn't really mean "assembly", he means *machine code*. That is,
if your assembler supports multiple statements per line and your
debugger lets you set breakpoints based on lines of source code (as
most do), then you've still got the problem in assembly language and
you'll have to drop down into machine code to set the breakpoints on an
inter-statement/intra-line basis. Granted, this isn't as much of a pain
as it would be when working in a HLL (where the programmer may not even
understand the machine code), but it's still an issue.

I would make one final observation about cramming multiple statements
per physical source line. If you're doing this in order to logically
group a sequence of statements together (that is, you're creating an
abstraction of those individual statements), then perhaps it's time to
refactor your code. Create a procedure or a macro that does the
intended operation. Invoke that procedure or macro rather than cramming
all those statements on the same line. You'll find that the code is
*far* more readable at that point, and you'll also start to discover
patterns in your code where you're doing the same sort of things over
and over again. And as Hunt & Thomas point out in "The Pragmattic
Programmer": DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself). If you find that you're
coding the same patterns over and over again, abstract those patterns
(i.e., create a procedure/function/macro implementation). The result
will be far more readable and maintainable.
Randy Hyde
P.S. "Code Complete" and "The Pragmatic Programmer" are *required*
reading for anyone who fancies themselves to be a computer programmer.

From: JGCASEY on

randyhyde(a) wrote:
> Every now and then, someone around here starts
> making the claim that having multiple statements
> per line is good programming style (largely,
> this comes from the RosAsm camp where that seems
> to be the standard programming style, but other
> people have posted such code, too).

Everyone has their own idea of "good programming
style" or perhaps I should write, "what works for
them". As you can see from my posts I like short
lines, seven to eight words per line I find the
most comfortable to read. But that is me, I don't
claim everyone has this problem.

I like visual descriptions, perhaps those who
prefer written descriptions would long lines
easier to read?

> * With statements on their own lines, it's easy
> to find syntax errors when your compiler provides
> only the line numbers of the errors. If you have
> multiple statements on a line, the line number
> doesn't tell you which statement is in error.

There is no reason why the line number *and* the
position within the line cannot be given. A Hll
with multiple statements per line would or should
have this feature.

At the risk of incurring the wrath of Rene I have
to say, that with my limited experience of reading
other people's code, I personally find code written
with the principles you have given easier to read.

One thing I never liked about C and the other
languages that use the curly brackets { and } is
that visually the blocks of code did not pop out
for me without practice and even today some effort
despite indentation.

Or maybe I am just visually handicapped in some way
which is why I have a problem with multiple statements
per line?


From: Betov on
"JGCASEY" <jgkjcasey(a)> ?crivait news:1144435777.605385.53030

> [...]

Why on earth do you answer to some "Steve McConnell" who
wrote some "book" (???!!!...), before 1993, and who is
not there?

After all, maybe _some_ of his arguments could have been
considered (i mean not as stupid as for not even diserving
any answer)... before 1993, but who cares of a "Book Writer"
opinions, at the end?

I have to point you to the fact that i never talked about
opinions, that i gave technical arguments -when answering
to James-, and that, up to now, there was, exactly, zero


< >

From: on

Betov wrote:
> "JGCASEY" <jgkjcasey(a)> écrivait news:1144435777.605385.53030
> > [...]
> Why on earth do you answer to some "Steve McConnell" who
> wrote some "book" (???!!!...), before 1993, and who is
> not there?

Second Edition appeared last year.

> After all, maybe _some_ of his arguments could have been
> considered (i mean not as stupid as for not even diserving
> any answer)... before 1993, but who cares of a "Book Writer"
> opinions, at the end?

Apparently a lot of people care. Because it's one of the top-selling
compsci books of all time.

Randy Hyde

From: on

JGCASEY wrote:
> randyhyde(a) wrote:
> > Every now and then, someone around here starts
> > making the claim that having multiple statements
> > per line is good programming style (largely,
> > this comes from the RosAsm camp where that seems
> > to be the standard programming style, but other
> > people have posted such code, too).
> Everyone has their own idea of "good programming
> style" or perhaps I should write, "what works for
> them".

Again, remember the matra for readable code:
"You write readable code for OTHER people, not for yourself."

If no one other than yourself ever reads your code, the readability is
irrelevant. You can write the code however you like. Heck, put the
whole program on one source line if you like (a common mistake APL
programmers made, for example; pretty much ensuring that only the
original author ever read the code).

Readability is only important if *other* people are going to read your
code. What that's important, it's important that you write your code in
a manner that *they* find easy to read. If you want to be known for
writing readable code, then you have to adopt a programming style other
the typical programmer expects; you cannot expect them to adopt to your

> As you can see from my posts I like short
> lines, seven to eight words per line I find the
> most comfortable to read. But that is me, I don't
> claim everyone has this problem.

Actually, *most* people read faster, and with better comprehension,
when working with short lines (though this is not an argument for
manually insert line breaks everywhere; almost any decent newsreader is
going to allow someone to adjust the width to their liking).

> I like visual descriptions, perhaps those who
> prefer written descriptions would long lines
> easier to read?

Clearly, visual images (as opposed to text) are better for most people.
Alas, programming languages tend to be tied down to the ASCII character
set (not all, but most). We have to work with what we've got,

Allow me to give an example. The editor I personally prefer (Borland's
CodeWright) allows me to insert JPEG and other images directly into my
source file (as comments) and display those in the editor. This is a
really cool feature for documenting the program. Alas, only CodeWright
owners can take advantage of this facility. So I don't use it because
other people who don't own CodeWright can't see my nice diagrams.

> > * With statements on their own lines, it's easy
> > to find syntax errors when your compiler provides
> > only the line numbers of the errors. If you have
> > multiple statements on a line, the line number
> > doesn't tell you which statement is in error.
> There is no reason why the line number *and* the
> position within the line cannot be given. A Hll
> with multiple statements per line would or should
> have this feature.

Perhaps it should. That doesn't mean that it does. And if you're moving
code between compilers, there is no guarantee that the next compiler
you're using supports the feature even if the previous one does.

OTOH, this certainly isn't the primary reason I'd be concerned about
multiple statements per line. After all, once the syntax errors are all
eliminated, this is no longer an issue. But the other readability
issues remain. A similar argument could be made about the importance
of single statement lines in a debugger (once the bugs are gone, who
cares? But you've still got to read the code).

> At the risk of incurring the wrath of Rene I have
> to say, that with my limited experience of reading
> other people's code, I personally find code written
> with the principles you have given easier to read.

Well, I *have* studied the subject to a fair extent (e.g., I've taught
software engineering classes at UC Riverside and Cal Poly Pomona; one
would *hope* I've done a little reading on the subject).

> One thing I never liked about C and the other
> languages that use the curly brackets { and } is
> that visually the blocks of code did not pop out
> for me without practice and even today some effort
> despite indentation.
> Or maybe I am just visually handicapped in some way
> which is why I have a problem with multiple statements
> per line?

Let's be clear on one thing. I am not saying that there is no one on
this planet who won't find multiple statements per line to be more
readable than putting them all on separate lines (at least, in certain
circumstances). Human beings are quite adaptable and can often convince
themselves that something is better when, in fact, it really isn't. Or
maybe they can, with concerted effort, learn something so well that it
really *is* better for them to see material presented in some
particular format. If you're arguing that *you* might find some
sequences easier to read if someone stuck multiple statements together
on one line, who am I to argue with that?

What I *am* saying, however, is that if you write code in this manner,
because it's easier for you to read it that way, then the vast majority
of the programmers out in the real world are going to have (more)
difficulty reading your code than they otherwise would have. And the
reason for that (beyond the fact that it's not something they're used
to seeing) is summed up by McConnell's statement about reading top to
bottom and left to right. Everything else is just a supporting role.
It's the intertwining of the left->right and top->bottom that is the
real problem.

Randy Hyde