From: rams on 29 Mar 2010 11:57 I have a dependent variable with 5 independent variables. How can perform multiple regression in Matlab and get the equation relating these quantities.
From: Walter Roberson on 29 Mar 2010 16:08 rams wrote: > I have a dependent variable with 5 independent variables. How can perform multiple regression in Matlab and get the equation relating these quantities. Do you have a model of how the variables are related? Is it a linear or log-linear model? If you do not have a model of how the variables are related, then there isn't a "the equation": there are an infinite number of equations that would give the same results.
From: the cyclist on 29 Mar 2010 16:11 rams <lramsb4u(a)> wrote in message <640400347.466881.1269892695391.JavaMail.root(a)>... > I have a dependent variable with 5 independent variables. How can perform multiple regression in Matlab and get the equation relating these quantities. If you have access to the Statistics Toolbox, you can use the REGRESS function. "doc regress" for more info.
From: rams on 29 Mar 2010 12:19 Hi Walter roberson, I don't have the model but when i plot dependent variable individually with each of independent variables then i can fit them with 3rd order polynomial.Will that be helpful in finding the multiple regression equation....thanks in advance....
From: Walter Roberson on 29 Mar 2010 16:42 rams wrote: > I don't have the model but when i plot dependent variable individually with each of independent variables then i can fit them with 3rd order polynomial.Will that be helpful in finding the multiple regression equation....thanks in advance.... Well, in that case, instead of doing multiple regression, do regression against each of the dependent variables, select the single variable that gives you the best fit, and define your multiple regression as zero times each of the other variables plus the third order polynomial for that single variable. If this seems "wrong" to you, then you probably need to be a lot clearer with yourself about what it means to "fit" data.
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