From: Aseman on
Hello all,

I have a problem quite similar to a message by Parker, already sent to
this group! I would appreciate any help about the problem!

" I have a GUI that is quite large in window size. It runs fine on
most desktop computers (desktop screens usually having at least 1024
pixels in height), but on smaller screens (800 pix in height or less,
typically laptop screens), the GUI is bigger than what the screen can

Now that wouldn't be a problem if the GUI were to be displayed with
some sort of scrolling bar on the left, but unfortunately that's not
the case. The figure is apparently and forcefully created smaller than
it otherwise would, i guess with the implicit goal of fitting on the
screen - which is completely stupid since it only results in a lot of
items to just not be visible (it just displays what could fit the
smaller figure size) and thus makes the GUI unusable.

Would anyone know if there is a way, ideally some flag or option
somewhere (but I realize that's unlikely, in which case any other way)
to have it NOT do that and have a lateral scroll bar instead ?

The only thing I *really* would like to avoid are changing the GUI's
organization/arrangement (there's not much room to gain anyway and
there's a lot of tabs already to gain space)."

Thanks for your help.

(ps : the MATLAB version I'm using is R2008a.)
From: ImageAnalyst on
If you have access to the .fig file, open it in GUIDE, the control-a
to select all the items. Then double-click on to bring up the
property inspector. Change the Units property to normalized. Then go
inside any panels or groupboxes, which don't get selected for some
reason by control-a, and select them and set their units property to
normalized also.

If you didn't use GUIDE then you have to find every single place in
your source code where a control is created and add or change the
units property to 'normalized.'

From: Aseman on
On May 3, 2:34 pm, ImageAnalyst <imageanal...(a)> wrote:
> If you have access to the .fig file, open it in GUIDE, the control-a
> to select all the items.  Then double-click on to bring up the
> property inspector.  Change the Units property to normalized.  Then go
> inside any panels or groupboxes, which don't get selected for some
> reason by control-a, and select them and set their units property to
> normalized also.
> If you didn't use GUIDE then you have to find every single place in
> your source code where a control is created and add or change the
> units property to 'normalized.'

Thank you so very much, ImageAnalyst! I did according to your advice
and it solved the problem!