From: kk KKsingh on 1 Mar 2010 12:23 Since I am in FFT and DFT world now days..I was trying to read the code below few days back. According to the author x should be between -1/2 and 1/2..Just wondering if my t is between 0 to 2 then how can i get it between -1/2 and 1/2 without effecting the spectrum.....I hope i am clear in my question And suppose if i run this code clear all close all N=400; % Number sample points fo = 10; %frequency of the sine wave Fs = 100; %sampling rate Ts = 1/Fs; %sampling time interval t = 0:Ts:Ts*(N-1); %sampling period y = 2*sin(2*pi*fo*t); M=length(y); N=M freq=(-N/2):(N/2-1); f_hat=y; f=zeros(M,1); f=exp(-2*pi*i*t'*freq)*f_hat'; stem(freqaxis1,abs(f)) I am not getting spectrum at right frequencies, I have taken this code from below % NDFT.M % % Computes the nonequispaced dft and its adjoint. % % b=ndft(a,x,N,options,tflag) % % a Fourier coefficients or samples % x nodes \subset [-1/2,1/2) % N polynomial degree % options .method 'direct' computes the columns of the nonequispaced % Fourier matrix by direct calls of exp % 'horner' avoids direct calls % 'matrix' one matrix valued call of exp % % tflag 'notransp' evaluate trigonometric polynomial % 'transp' adjoint transform % % Author: Stefan Kunis % % --------------------------------------------------------------- % % COPYRIGHT : (c) NUHAG, Dept.Math., University of Vienna, AUSTRIA % % Permission is granted to modify and re-distribute this % code in any manner as long as this notice is preserved. % All standard disclaimers apply. % function b=ndft(a,x,N,ft_opt,tflag) % % Computes the nonequispaced dft and its adjoint. % % b=ndft(a,x,N,options,tflag) % % a Fourier coefficients or samples % x nodes \subset [-1/2,1/2) % N polynomial degree % options .method 'direct' computes the columns of the nonequispaced % Fourier matrix by direct calls of exp % 'horner' avoids direct calls % 'matrix' one matrix valued call of exp % % tflag 'notransp' evaluate trigonometric polynomial % 'transp' adjoint transform % % Author: Stefan Kunis options=ft_opt.method; M=length(x); freq=(-N/2):(N/2-1); if strcmp(tflag,'notransp') %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % nonequispaced dft % % N/2-1 % f(j) = sum f_hat(k+N/2+1)*exp(-2*pi*i*k*x(j)), 1 <= j <= M. % k=-N/2 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% f_hat=a; switch options case 'direct' f=zeros(M,1); for k=1:N f=f+f_hat(k).*exp(-2*pi*i*x*freq(k)); end; case 'horner' f=zeros(M,1); exp_x=exp(2*pi*i*x); for k=1:N f=(f+f_hat(k)).*exp_x; end; f=f.*exp(-N*pi*i*x); case 'matrix' f=exp(-2*pi*i*x*freq)*f_hat; otherwise disp('unknown option') end; b=f; elseif strcmp(tflag,'transp') %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % adjoint nonequispaced dft % % M % f_hat(k+N/2+1) = sum f(j)*exp(2*pi*i*k*x(j)), -N/2 <= k <= N/2-1. % j=1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% f=a; switch options case 'direct' f_hat=zeros(N,1); for k=1:N f_hat(k)=exp(-2*pi*i*x*freq(k))' *f; % exp(-2*pi*i*freq(k)*x)' *f differs by 10^-11!? end; case 'horner' f_hat=zeros(N,1); f=f.*exp(-N*pi*i*x); exp_x=exp(2*pi*i*x); for k=1:N f_hat(k)=sum(f); f=f.*exp_x; end; case 'matrix' f_hat=(exp(-2*pi*i*x*freq)') *f; otherwise disp('unknown option') end; b=f_hat; end;
From: Greg Heath on 4 Mar 2010 03:31 On Mar 1, 12:23 pm, "kk KKsingh" <akikumar1...(a)> wrote: -----SNIP clear all close all clc N = 40; % Number sample points fo = 10; %frequency of the sine wave Fs = 100; %sampling rate Ts = 1/Fs; %sampling time interval t = 0:Ts:Ts*(N-1); %sampling period y = 2*sin(2*pi*fo*t); figure(1) plot(t,y,'--.') freq1 = (Fs/N)*( 0 : N-1 ); freq2 = (Fs/N)*(-N/2 : N/2-1); Y1 = exp(-2*pi*i*t'*freq1)*y'/N; Y2 = fftshift(Y1); Y3 = exp(-2*pi*i*t'*freq2)*y'/N; ' NOTE 1 : Y3 ~= Y2 (See Below) ' figure(2) subplot(2,1,1) stem(freq1,abs(Y1)) subplot(2,1,2) stem(freq2,abs(Y2)) ' NOTE 2 ' maxabs(Y3(1:2:end) - Y1(1:2:end)) % 1.8262e-015 maxabs(Y3(2:2:end) + Y1(2:2:end)) % 1.6941e-015 ' NOTE 3 ' ' What happens to the spectrum when N < 40 ?) ' Hope this helps. Greg
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