From: Ryan on
Hi. I'm having trouble using the Data Acquisition Toolbox to collect data using a NIDAQ USB-6009. With the command,

ai = analoginput('nidaq','Dev1');

I receive the error message,

Error using ==> analoginput.analoginput at 99
Error using ==> analoginput.analoginput>localCreateAnalogInputObject at 191
Failure to find requested data acquisition device: nidaqmx.

Here are the software versions that I'm running:
Matlab R2007a
Data Acquisition Toolbox 2.10
NIDAQmx driver: 9.0.2f0

Using the command,


I receive the error message,

'nidaqmx.dll' not found. Make sure it is on the MATLAB path.

I'm sure that the 'nidaqmx.dll' file exists, and I've tried entering the entire filepath instead of just the filename. I've opened the mwnidaqmx.ini file in a text editor and have seen that the USB-6009 DAQ is listed, along with its properties. Using the command,

daqhwinfo('nidaqmx') or daqhwinfo('nidaq')

gives the following error message:

Error using ==> daqhwinfo at 98
Failure to find requested data acquisition device: nidaqmx.

I've used the daq to successfully collect data using LabView. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks