From: James Stuckey on
This command seemed to work the best. The others just generated a list of
what seemed like all packages installed.

stuckey(a)debian:~$ apt-show-versions | grep sid
flightgear/sid uptodate 1.9.1-1.1
libnfsidmap2/squeeze uptodate 0.23-2
libresid-builder-dev/squeeze uptodate 2.1.1-8
libresid-builder0c2a/squeeze uptodate 2.1.1-8
libsidplay1/squeeze uptodate 1.36.59-5
libsidplay2/squeeze uptodate 2.1.1-8
libsidplay2-dev/squeeze uptodate 2.1.1-8
libsidutils-dev/squeeze uptodate 2.1.1-8
libsidutils0/squeeze uptodate 2.1.1-8
netbeans-ide/sid uptodate 6.0.1+dfsg-3
netbeans-platform/sid uptodate 6.0.1+dfsg-3
nvidia-glx/sid upgradeable from 190.53-4 to 195.36.24-1
nvidia-kernel-source/sid upgradeable from 190.53-4 to 195.36.24-1
nvidia-vdpau-driver/sid upgradeable from 190.53-4 to 195.36.24-1
simgear1.9.1/sid uptodate 1.9.1-2

So just for clarification, the *proper* way of running nvidia drivers for
any card that isn't supported in stable on debian as of right now is:

a) install squeeze, since it's easier than doing it from testing
b) echo 'APT::Default-Release "testing";' >> /etc/apt/apt.conf
c) edit sources.list to include sid lines
d) apt-get -t sid install [some nvidia package?]
e) m-a a-i nvidia

+ take notice of the instructions on the wiki [].

Thereafter the user should note that if he tries to install 'foo' and 'foo'
isn't in testing, he will get 'foo' from sid, if 'foo' is in sid, along with
the necessary dependencies of 'foo' from sid if he does "apt-get install

*There's information about this in 2.7.2 of the DR []
that I may not have understood fully.