From: secretary on 23 Feb 2010 21:07 <blockquote what="fuller official New York Law School Institute for Information Law & Policy announcement" correction="New York Law School is distinct from NYU Law School, thus this meeting will not be at NYU Law School." where="This meeting will be in Room A700 of 55 Worth Street on the Island of the Manahattoes." rsvp="rsvp is requested; write to naomi.allen(a)" edits=""> Subject: Law.Gov | Google Groups X-URL: Date: Tue, 23 Feb 2010 20:38:01 -0500 (EST) #RSS Atom Go to Google Groups Home Law.Gov NYLS Panel on 2/24 Carl Malamud <carl+goo...(a)> Liberating Legal Information: The Law.Gov Movement A Panel Discussion with Carl Malamud, Helen Nissenbaum, and Nicholas Bramble February 24, 2009 6:15-8pm New York Law School Room A700 In 2009, President Obama's Open Government Initiative led to the launch of Data.Gov, an online forum where the public may easily find, download, and use Federal agency datasets. Through Data.Gov, the administration seeks to expand creative use of the data and encourage innovation beyond the walls of government. Law.Gov builds on the success of Data.Gov by documenting what is necessary to establish a distributed registry and repository of all United States legal materials. Public.Resource.Org is leading this revolutionary effort to collect briefs and opinions from the Judiciary; reports, hearings, and laws from the Legislative branch; and regulations, audits, grants, and other materials from the Executive. Join the IILP as we welcome Internet pioneer Carl Malamud, President and Founder of Public.Resource.Org, to discuss the Law.Gov movement and it's opportunities for citizens to help change the way we distribute America's Operating System. He will be joined by distinguished Information Law scholars Helen Nissenbaum and Nicholas Bramble. This event is open to the public. Please RSVP to Naomi Allen at --- Carl Malamud is the President and Founder of Public.Resource.Org. Malamud was previously founder of the Internet Multicasting Service and the Chief Technology Officer at the Center for American Progress. He has been awarded Harvard University's Berkman Award for significant contribution to the Internet and its impact on society, the Electronic Frontier Foundation's Pioneer Award, and the First Amendment Coalition's Bill Farr Award. Helen Nissenbaum is Professor of Media, Culture and Communication, and Computer Science at New York University, where she is also Senior Faculty Fellow of the Information Law Institute. Her areas of expertise span social, ethical, and political implications of information technology and digital media. Before joining the faculty at NYU, she served as Associate Director of the Center for Human Values at Princeton University. Nicholas Bramble is a Postdoctoral Associate in Law and Kauffman Fellow in Law at the Information Society Project at Yale Law School, specializing in research on the problems of collective action and the promises of civic engagement relating to open access in the university setting. Mr. Bramble was previously a judicial clerk for the Honorable Charles F. Lettow of the U.S. Court of Federal Claims and was the online managing editor of the Journal of Law & Technology while at Harvard Law School. The discussion will be moderated by Christopher Wong, Postgraduate Fellow at the Institute for Information Law & Policy at New York Law School and Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow at the Information Society Project at Yale Law School. </blockquote> Distributed poC TINC: Jay Sulzberger <secretary(a)> Corresponding Secretary LXNY LXNY is New York's Free Computing Organization.
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