From: osmium on
"Francis Glassborow" wrote:

> me(a) wrote:
>> Francis Glassborow <francis.glassborow(a)>
>> wrote:
>>>> Can you guys recommend a book for someone on my level I
>>>> can buy from Amazon?
>>> I wrote 'You Can Do It' for people like you and my co-author was someone
>>> with no programming experience whatsoever.
>> Your book above arrived in the mail today
>> haven't looked at it yet tho
> OK. I have just got back from a fortnight's holiday in Italy, hence the
> silence.

What a fascinating conversation between you two. I can hardly wait for the
next thrilling installment.

From: Carsten on
On 9 Sep., 19:37, m...(a) wrote:
> I'm trying to teach myself some C++
> I have NO programming experience...... none....
> zip...... null
> Can you guys recommend a book for someone on my level I
> can buy from Amazon?

Spoken from my heart.
But I can do Visual Basic, and has installed a free version of 'Studio
08.C++', so I could probably start out, and look at the auto-code
that's being generated from 'drag'n drop' (bwt, what happened to the
intelliSense. Where did it go?)
I'm postponing, with a christmas-feeling from Bjarne Stoutrups spoken
intend to make the next version easier ... but I know that I'm just
kidding myself to think that I'm off the hook.

I've just finished a Visual Basic program using DirectX3D. DirectX3D
is 1) one big abstraction and 2) it's 'BIG'.
Less than 1/1000 of my code adresses DirectX3D, and only becourse it
has to.
C++ must be 'BIGGER'. My point is ... naa, I can fall back to VB, you
cann't ... that you could leave out 'something', to get a better focus
on what you really 'need'. That's sort of stupid thing to say,
becourse it'll be your approach in any circumstance. I feel fortunate,
becourse I have a good idea of, what C++ can do and other languages
cannot. That gives me an orientation as to which direction to go.

I'll be dropping by from time to time


Glassborow, I've just been there too (Italy)!
... Catapulted by my new 3D-editor and flying in USGS Digital Elevation
Data. Except for a few transparent layers of blue on the seaside, and
the scent of timian, it was perfect
Thank you for your initiative with the book.

(apologies for keeping writing)
In VB 'Interfaces' pussled me. Getting a bit to grips with C++, it's
obviously transfering a deep C++ structure to VB, and other languages
that uses it. And it's a sort of obstacle for conseptual clarity as to
what code is/does: A class can hide what's within, but the C++, once
and for all, reassures that a coding-work can stay propretaire, by
stoving implimentation away behind interface (if I got it right) My
deep consern is, in short, that this deeply nested priority serves
propretaire-rights rather than coding-effisciency (if you add
'learning the language' to part of the effisciency).

.... That would make C++ a politically incorrect choise of language,
unless you'r conservative/republican, would'nt it?
From: osmium on
"Carsten" wrote:

> In VB 'Interfaces' pussled me. Getting a bit to grips with C++, it's
> obviously transfering a deep C++ structure to VB, and other languages
> that uses it. And it's a sort of obstacle for conseptual clarity as to
> what code is/does: A class can hide what's within, but the C++, once
> and for all, reassures that a coding-work can stay propretaire, by
> stoving implimentation away behind interface (if I got it right) My
> deep consern is, in short, that this deeply nested priority serves
> propretaire-rights rather than coding-effisciency (if you add
> 'learning the language' to part of the effisciency).

The notion of protecting proprietary rights, a good idea, went out the
window with almost all practical implementations of templates. The "export"
keyword was, as they say on TV, dead on arrival.

I don't really know what your comment was about, but I sense the word
"proprietary" in there, so this may be germane.

From: Carsten on

> The notion of protecting proprietary rights, a good idea,  went out the
> window with almost all practical implementations of templates.  The "export"
> keyword was, as they say on TV, dead on arrival.
> I don't really know what your comment was about, but I sense the word
> "proprietary" in there, so this may be germane.

I was kind of aerating a philosofical sentiment about the overall
character of C++. I just come back from reading at,
where he reasonably concludes, that business-issues always dominate
technical issues - that was in essence my point.

The most informational support I got for my VB programme was through
reading C++ or sometimes C#. So I feel that I 'know' it ... yet, I
also know, that its far away from writing anything sensible in the
language itself.
The starter question of m...Privacy(a)Net brings back some funny (in
retrospect) memories of my first visit to a code-editor. It was into
the vb-module usually attatched to Microsoft.Offic's components
(Excel), of which I wasn't very aquinted with in the first place. It
was like entering a space-rocket and accidentally having your elbow
hit the 'take-off'-button. ;o/ I don't even think, that I could find
my way back into Excel then, but I had been looking for it, and knew,
that I had found something important.

My twin-sister touched a pc-tastature-button for the first time 3
month ago, and I've been eager to help. It's being a reminder of how
difficult it is to start.
From: gellertkis on
On Sep 11, 12:52 pm, Francis Glassborow
<francis.glassbo...(a)> wrote:
> m...(a) wrote:
> > Francis Glassborow <francis.glassbo...(a)>
> > wrote:
> >> I wrote 'You Can Do It' for people like you and my co-author was someone
> >> with no programming experience whatsoever.
> > OK
> > I ordered it!
> Good luck. Feel free to ask questions about it here as I regularly read
> this newsgroup.

I got your book. but stopped about a half hour reading when i had
making work basic "playpen" example with visual studio 2008.
I havent got a CD with a book. I downloaded the files from your
website. At my current level ,i cant linking, compiling the whole
playpen packages.
I do some trys, but VS2008 gave me a bunch of errors in playpen.h

now i read this books:
* Bjarne Stroustrup - The C++ Programming Language (Special 3rd
* Bjarne Stroustrup - Programming -- Principles and Practice Using C+
+ ; December 2008.
* Ivor Horton’s Beginning Visual C++®2008 , Published by Wiley
Publishing, Inc.
this is very good too:
* C++ Primer Plus ,Fifth Edition , 2005 by Sams Publishing
* Professional C++ , 2005 by Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc.
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