Can any one help me I want to change the default colour of the menu bar appering in
GUI? I have tried every thing but it is not working
From: ImageAnalyst on
On Feb 22, 10:14 am, "NIMIT SHAH" <shahnimit...(a)> wrote:
> Can any one help me I want to change the default colour of the menu bar appering in
> GUI? I have tried every thing but it is not working

I think that's an operating system setting rather than a MATLAB/GUIDE
Like the "Control panel/Display Properties/ Appearance" tab in Windows
But if anyone knows a way to do it in MATLAB, it would probably be

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From: Walter Roberson on
> Can any one help me I want to change the default colour of the menu bar
> appering in GUI? I have tried every thing but it is not working

There isn't a control for that at the Matlab level. However,

newbgcolor = 'red'; %or '#07039F' or whatever color spec

figmenus = findall(FigureNumber,'-depth',1,'Type','uimenu');
for thismenu = figmenus
thislabel = get(thismenu,'Label');
set(thismenu, 'Label', ...
sprintf('<HTML><BODY bgcolor="%s">%s</BODY></HTML>', ...
newbgcolor, thislabel(thislabel <> '&')))

for the appropriate FigureNumber

There is a small side effect, though: the accelerators for the menu items will
be lost.