From: bforrest on

I would like to use vbscript to move a text file from a share directory
to specific users home directory whereby the script pulls from a list of
names (text file) and uses the users homedir path to copy the file.

From: Pegasus [MVP] on

"bforrest" <guest(a)> said this in news item
> I would like to use vbscript to move a text file from a share directory
> to specific users home directory whereby the script pulls from a list of
> names (text file) and uses the users homedir path to copy the file.
> --
> bforrest

Let's have a look at what you've got so far. Note that both the "copy" and
"move" method and the file read method are described in detail in the help
file script56.chm, which you can download from the Microsoft site.

From: bforrest on

Ok here's what we have so far:
on error resume next
set objwshnetwork= createobject("")
set objdsfso = createobject ("scripting.filesystemobject")
struser= objectwshnetwork.username
struserCN = getattributefromsamid(struser, "CN" , "domain")
strtextfile = "path" & struserCN & "file name"
objdsFSO.copyfile strtextfile, "Z:\"
What I am looking for is a script that will reference names from a text
file, pull the home directory path and copy a file from a share
directory into that location instead of Z:\.


From: Pegasus [MVP] on

"bforrest" <guest(a)> said this in news item
> Ok here's what we have so far:
> *************************************************
> on error resume next
> set objwshnetwork= createobject("")
> set objdsfso = createobject ("scripting.filesystemobject")
> struser= objectwshnetwork.username
> struserCN = getattributefromsamid(struser, "CN" , "domain")
> strtextfile = "path" & struserCN & "file name"
> objdsFSO.copyfile strtextfile, "Z:\"
> ******************************************************
> What I am looking for is a script that will reference names from a text
> file, pull the home directory path and copy a file from a share
> directory into that location instead of Z:\.
> Thanks
> --
> bforrest

When writing AD-related VB Script code then you can't really go past Richard
Mueller's site ( He has free code
that covers just about every situation.

About your code: Having an "on error resume next" statement covering the
whole script is deadly. It will hide most errors and you will never find out
what's going on. In your code, for example, you create an object
"objwshnetwork" but later on you call it "objectwshnetwork". If you run the
code without the "on error" line then you will immediately get an error. "On
Error" statements should be used sparingly and only above a line of code
that could cause an error, e.g. due to a permission issue. Immediately after
this line you deal with the error, then insert a line "on error goto 0".

I also recommend that you use an "option explicit" statement to protect
yourself against spelling errors.

About reading reference names from a text file: Here is an example pulled
verbatim from Script56.chm:
Function ReadLineTextFile
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2
Dim fso, MyFile
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set MyFile = fso.OpenTextFile("c:\testfile.txt", ForWriting, True)
MyFile.WriteLine "Hello world!"
MyFile.WriteLine "The quick brown fox"
Set MyFile = fso.OpenTextFile("c:\testfile.txt", ForReading)
ReadLineTextFile = MyFile.ReadLine ' Returns "Hello world!"
End Function

You obviously do not need the writeline stuff. Since you want to read
several lines, you place your readline statements into a loop that runs
until you reach the end of the text file. Again there are many examples in

From: bforrest on

Thank. that was a typo on my part. I have been having problems getting
access to the script56.chm file. The biggest part of this is how to
reference AD user profiles homedirectory to be used as the destination
for the files to be copied too. This would be a unc mapping.
