From: Ian Hincks on 9 Jun 2010 07:45 Hello, I am working on a script to perform quantum process tomography on three qubits. There is a bottleneck in my computation that I don't know how to get around. Here's the setup: I have an orthonormal basis, called E, for the set of 8x8 matrices, just indexed as E{1}, ..., E{64}. I need to compute the 4-dimensional array B defined by the following equation: E{m}*E{j}*E{n} = sum-k( B(m,n,j,k) * E{k} ) Where the first two *'s are matrix multiplication, and the third * is the scalar B{m,n,j,k} multiplied with the matrix E{k}, and sum-k means to sum over all 64 k-indeces. The naive solution, and also the only one I know, is to exploit the orthonormality of E and use the Hilbert-Schmidt inner product [ <x,y> := trace( (x')*(y) ) where ' is the conjugate transpose] to get: B(m,n,j,k) = trace(E{k}*(E{m}*E{j}*E{n})) where the conjugate transpose has been neglected because each E happens to be hermitian. This method involves four nested for loops to get all 64^4 values, and takes a very long time. Can anyone suggest a better method? I am relatively new to matlab. FYI: Here is my code: % Get the E basis P{1} = [1 0; 0 1]; P{2} = [0 1; 1 0]; P{3} = [0 -i; i, 0]; P{4} = [1 0; 0 -1]; m = 0; for a = 1:4 for b = 1:4 for c = 1:4 m = m + 1; % Get basis element, and normalize E{m} = kron3(P{a}, P{b}, P{c})/sqrt(8); end end end % Calculate all 64^4 values for B for m = 1:64 for n = 1:64 for j = 1:64 V = E{m}*E{j}*E{n}; for k = 1:64 B(m,n,j,k) = trace(E{k}*V); end end end end And kron3 is just the function kron3(x,y,z) = kron(kron(x,y),z) Thanks! Ian
From: Ian Hincks on 9 Jun 2010 08:03 Maybe I've bogged this down with too much context. Here is a summary of that which is relevant: E is a set of 64 8x8 matrices that satisfy the property trace(E{i}*E{j}) = (1 if i==j, 0 else). I need to solve either of the following two (equivalent) problems for B efficiently: E{m}*E{j}*E{n} = sum(B(m,n,j,k) * E{k}, k=1:64) OR B(m,n,j,k) = trace(E{k}*(E{m}*E{j}*E{n})) Where B is a 64x64x64x64 complex array. Thanks, Ian
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